Sunday, March 27, 2005

Post Good Friday

Good Friday is the day where Jesus was hung on the Cross. He came to earth so that we might have Heaven. He gave His life for a man made of dust. This is a mystery, a miracle. The next day, which is actually today, the tomb was empty. Where did Jesus go? Where did he disappear to? Did someone steal his body? Or isit pure magic? And on Easter, He came back as man. As flesh. As white and pure as snow, without any marks on his hands and feet. How did you spend your Good Friday? Did you spend it meaningfully?

Imagine this. Your handphone rings. You pick up the call and it's someone calling from the hospital. Your closest and best-most friend has met with an accident and it does not sound very hopeful. You rush to the ward to see him. He looks very pale. The doctor tells you that he has only about 30 minutes more to live. Think. How are you going to spend this 30 minutes? What are you going to say to him? He mumbles his fear to you. The fear of doubt. Fear of not knowing where he'll be going to. How are you going to comfort him?

Now, let me ask you. Do you know where you'll be going to after you die? What's after death?

Back to the hospital bedside. 10 minutes passed. You are still doing the things you planned or talking to him. All of a sudden, he breathed his last breath. WHAT??? What about the 30 minutes that he doctor had said? Where did the 20 minutes go to?

Friends, many a times, we always think that we have time. We take things for granted. If we do not start now, we're actually wasting our precious time. You might think that you're still young and have time. Face the fact. Do you know your future? I Don't. No One knows. Can the fortune teller across the road tell you your future? No, he can't. NO ONE CAN TELL THE FUTURE. ONE CAN ONLY PREDICT THE FUTURE.

You might want to ponder about this. Where would you be after death. Think about it.

I know and i'm confident on where i'll be. I'll be with my Father and Jesus together with all the angels in Heaven.

If you would like to talk about this topic, do contact or meet up with me. I would like to hear your views.


"...You are my God,
Early in the morning will I,
Rise to meet you, rise to meet You.
You are my Lord,
Early in the morning will I,
Rise to meet You, rise to meet You..."

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

? ¿ ? My Blog's Funnie ¿ ? ¿

Is my blog funny¿ Is my blog Entertaining¿

One of my friends from church, pmed me saying :-

"ehy.. ur blog entertained me for the last few minutes.. haha... i keep laughing"

I'm now trying to figure out why my blog's so funny. Why do my postings entertain people? Is it because of the sentence structure? Or is it because of me train of thought? It keeps running from one topic to another? But W@!T, if it's really so funny or entertaining, it should have been featured on The Strait's Time's weekly digest of Digital Life, under the Blog of the week section.

This week, i would say that it's rather good. Just looking at weekdays. Monday (21 March 05) to Friday (25 March 05). That's 5 working days. I was on MC yesterday. (I'm so tempted to tell you what happened to me yesterday, but never mind, later!!!) Didn't go to work. Balance = 4 work days. Friday = Good Friday (Public Holiday = NO Work~~~). Balance = 3 work days. That means, Tuesday (today), wednesday and thursday of work only~~~ Yeah!

Anyway, back to yesterday, i was on mc as i've been having an itch on my crouch area for the past 2 weeks. At first, i thought that it was just a normal rash, and i just applied lotsa powder until my bathroom almost became smoked up (by powder), me almost getting powder asthma (if there ever is such a thing) and my mum would think that i'll be going to have a performance in there... you know, the effect you have on the stage in theater during the opening scene.... Then, i couldn't stand it anymore and went to see the doc. She said that it was a fungal infection.... eewwww.... That's horrid. But at least, i got cream and tablets to cure the infection and to kill the itch.... So bascially that's my visit to the doctor's yesterday morning...

Well, i'm running out of what to say. Actually, you can tell that this's just a lie. oops... God, forgive me. With a person such as me, how could i ever run out of words to say... Right???

Anyway, got to go... Ermm.. i'm not going out... To bed maybe.. i'm feeling tired..

This are words coming out from a lamer, you would think. Well, maybe you're right... haha...


"... In the circle of friends, we have one father,
In the circle of friends, we share this prayer,
That we'll gather together
No matter how the highway bends,
I will not lose this Circle of Friends."


Monday, March 21, 2005

Teknikal Workshop

It's Sabbath again.

A day of rest. But i'm still tired...

Part one of Teknikal Workshop was conducted today. Pronounced Technical Workshop...
It went well. Seriously, i feel that 2.5 hours is not enough. i think i should plan for a 2 day workshop next time.. so i can have enough time to explain everything and let everyone have a hands on...

Wanted to watch the Lan Yu VCD that i bought about 2 weeks ago from ebay, but decided not to as i'm too tired. i feel like going to sleep till tomorrow morning after typing all these. But, i went to play on my keyboard. I'm actually conceptualizing the musical arrangement as i'm planning for a small little production at the end of the year for Christmas. I intend to have all my talents that i'm currently managing to sing in the streets.. yup, you've got it. carolling. on orchard... most proberly over at Celebrate Christmas In Singapore 2005 and also in shopping centers...

Hope everything goes well. And yup, i need people to work for me. Do you have any friends looking for a job? If you have, please refer them to me, or just ask them check out under the careers section.


Monday, March 14, 2005

It's Sabbath

Sabbath is a day of rest. Sunday.

I rested. Woke up only at 11am.

Went to church. Arrived at 1.30pm. Headed straight up to the AV Room to do up the powerpoint slides which i'll be using for the Teknikal Workshop next sunday. Yup, Teknikal Workshop's next sunday. That's fast.... When i first planned it, it seems that it was months away... With a blink of an eye, it's a week away. I wonder how many people will actually come. I'll be teaching on the basics of Audio. Types of Microphones, Cables and the Mixing console aka mixer. If you're intrested, just email me and i'll get you in for free... Yup, i'm charging for this for outsiders... S$400 for a 2-session course, totalling 5 hours. It's NOT expensive. Stop complaining...

Came back home, bought dinner along the way. Ta pao again. S$3 Fried Kwey Teow, S$3 Fried Oysters and S$1.30 Deep Fried Banana Fritters. THat's S$7.30 for my dinner... my my... That explains why my $$$ finishes so fast and why my tummy's getting bigger by the day.. sigh...

Watched the VCD "Taxi 2" with my mum till about 8.30pm. Then i was sitting in front of the computer until now. Did up Vaxicom's website. A very simple one indeed. My friend just passed me his name-card and asked me to come up with a simple website for him... Check it out over at . How on earth would i know what to put?? Pictures and words i guess... PIctures more than words... Well, I'm just not in the mood today i guess... Haven't been in the mood for the past few days though. I dunno why.. Just feeling letagic...

Anyway, Naught messaged me on MSN last night. I AM over sensetive. We chatted over the phone for about half an hour. And i slept happily last night. Hope things are going to get better...

It's back to camp again tomorrow. Sigh.. How i wish that i need not be back in there... That dreadful place.... I admire Poh Liang... He's off tomorrow... argh....

Going to turn in soon. Have a great week ahead of you guys!


Edgar MiRaNtZ Tan

Sunday, March 13, 2005

12 March 2005

I just came back from supper with my parents and Joe. It's more to dinner actually as i didn't eat dinner just now. Fish and Chips. Average only larz... Before that, was in church for the Alpha course... Took some videos there...

Went for ACS Carnival, left after 5 mins...

Went for my mass comms lessons in the afternoon...

Anyone wants to come with me to malaysia next saturday, 19 march 05? I'll be a one day trip...


And oh.. i'm a sensative person... :|

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

I'm hurt

The Brunei Prince is coming to my camp. ANd just because of one stoopid prince from a super oil and finanically rich country, we've to do up the place, changing almost everything in the toilet. sigh...

I'm hurt. Naught was angry with me last night for messaging him while he was doing his server stuffs... till now, he's been ignoring my smses since this morning... I'm not sure if i should even call him... having the fear that once i call him, he'll blare at me again like last night... *sob sob*

Or am i just being a little sensitive?

Well, guess i'll just have to stick with my ever-faithful Elmo again... How i wish that Elmo's alive and that he can just talk... sigh.......................................................................

Jeers.... :(

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to me;
Happy Birthday to me;
Happy Birthday to Meee~;
Happy Birthday to me~~~.

Sigh, i'm no longer 19. I can longer go online and tell people that i'm 19 when people ask me for my intro.

Celebrating my birthday in a very very very simple way. 1) Potang lessons. 2) Had dinner with my parents at the coffeeshop opposite my block.

Sianz... Recall / activation from the 1st to 8th of March 2005, so it seems that i can't go swimming tomororw. sigh...

I know this friend of mine, Shaun. He scored 3 A's and a B3. That's very good. Keep it up! Well, what do you expect for someone from HCJC right???
