Tuesday, December 26, 2006
::: Blessed Christmas :::
Went to church early this morning and went to help my church members with the stage lighting. In the end, i ended up doing last minute lighting design as no one had any idea about it. sheesh...
Thereafter, came home to take a rest, shower and left to meet my friends from the 88 thread at bugis. Some were late and we waited for half an hour. We proceeded to NAFA campus 3 for Free Community Church's Christmas Service. Was late by about 10 mins and coz of that, we got the front row - i really mean the 1st row.
Buffet dinner was provided by Purple Sage Creative Catering. Boy, the food was good and not to say the deco. Went to celebrate Marcus, Alvin and Daniel's birthday thereafter. Had a white christmas log cake from the passtiser. Boy, it WAS good as well.
All the time, even though i might seem rather active and cheerful, deep inside, i was missing kennie very very much. How i wish he could be with me and enjoy all these together. I'm pretty sure that he'll enjoy all these too...
Argh~~~ I'm drowning in my own sadness - rather, this feeling of loss, of missing kennie. I miss him very very very much and i can't wait for him to be back tomorrow. I checked the flight schedule and i think he'll touch down at 6pm at terminal 2. But sigh, i'm unable to pick him up from the airport. Even if i can, what will his parents and sisters think? Sigh.....
I really miss him. I do.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Annual Christmas Dinner & Pictures
How i wish that kennie's around so that i could have dinner with him as well as cook for him to eat. How i wish i could celebrate christmas with him. Sigh, i'm unable to celebrate the new year's arrival with him as well. It's so sad. I miss him... :(
Some pictures now...
Friday, December 22, 2006
I'm now in church blogging. My church's choir is having a rehearsal for christmas and i was asked to come to sit around and i'm actually not much needed. In fact, not needed at all - just wasting my time and rotting here. Nothing much to surf and no one's online on MSN to chat with me. I miss Kennnie. How i wish i could be there with him. I guess he's not missing me at all and happily enjoying himself in Korea with all the cute and/or hunky guys there.
Went to watch Jack and the Bean-sprout. I'm sure Kennie would enjoy it very much if he was there to watch it. It's a good phantomine with Ivan Heng dragging. How i wish i can come up with a short musical next time with all AJ casts and reversal of roles. Males as females and females as males. I'm sure that would be a hit. And of course, it'll be slammed by the mainstream media and the straights, especially in Singapore.
Well, i bought a christmas present for Kennie. I'm sure that he'll definately like it. I certainly miss him. It's so sad. he's returning only on the 26th and i do not even know what time he'll be back and i'm flying off to bangkok on the 28th noon. I don't even know if i can meet up with him. I wish i can, else i'll suffer from KWS. Kennie Withdrawal Syndrome. haha...
Take care everyone. Have a Merry Christmas and a Blessed Gay New Year!
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Photo shoots
Went to Sentosa for portfolio, east coast park and bukit timah for showcase.
I'm damn freaking tired.
I'll just go and sleep soon...
Going to watch Magic of Love tomorrow night with kenneth, lennel and his friend...
I love kenneth.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Busy week again
It's been another busy week. 5th Singapore AIDS Conference, Trevvy Launch Parties - Part 2 of 2 and Team Trevvy /New Balance Standard Chartered Marathon 2006.
The conference at 8am, party at 11pm and marathon at 6pm. GH and Dom was kind enough to get a room for me at Hotel 81 for those going to stanchart marathon to bunk in.
Managed to close my eye for at least 1 hour plus ba... Den during the marathon, back to hotel to sleep, den after that, me and kennie went to eat the hock lam street beef kuey teow. He said that it's nice.. hehe... Slept from 3pm on sunday and woke up only at 10am on monday when i heard my phone vibrated. Kennie smsed me...
I love Kennie...
Goodnight people...
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Busy Week
Was at office again today since 2.30pm and was there all the way till 11.15pm and then headed over to Happy for the monthly Sweat parties. It's the last Sweat party for the year.
Now waiting for kennie to finish up whatever he's doing (homework - pity him) and then it's time for me to call him and chat.
Goodnight people~
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Sony Ericsson Z610

After church went to meet Kenneth. wanted to take 67 from tampines to his place to pick him up. instead, decided to take 168 to woodlands and then 963 to his place as it might take a little shorter time. 168 passed by the new Ikea at Tampines North Avenue 2. It's big, might be even bigger than the present store at Alexandra road. After arriving at woodlands, i decided to go to causeway point to check out the hello store as i've been wanting to get my phoneline but unable to as i can't get my phone. i went to double confirm to see if the phone's really gone. Yes, it's selling like hotcakes.

At the event space, MediaCorp was having the Star Awards 2006 roadshow. Desmond Koh and Lin Peifen were the hosts. Managed to take a few photos, but were quite bad, all thanks to my 1.3megapixel Nokia 6230i. And guess who i saw - a real good looking guy. He looked very familar but i just can't remember his name until i showed Kenneth his pic wen i met him. It was Julian Hee!
Took 963 and met Kenneth. We then went to have dinner at the foodcourt at Cineleisure. Thereafter, it was off to the Teleshop at Taka to get my phone. I had earlier reservered at via 1626 as it was already the last set left. Ta-da~~~ My blue color Sony Ericsson Z610i. I had earlier wanted a pink color, but it was all sold out since 2 weeks ago. Kennie was the one who choose the phone for me and he kinda liked the color as well, so i can say that i bought the phone and all tat coz of his recommendation.

We took photos at Wisma Atria. They have a nice Christmas deco over at the atrium.
Time to leave, and we left. Nothing much. I'm happy. He's mapleing now and i'm waiting for him, den time 2 sleep! Going with him to Duolus tomorrow as i can't find anyone to go with me. He's so nice to want to accompany me.. hehe... Lucky me!
Friday, November 17, 2006
I miss him, even though we have been chatting over the phone almost every night. It's been some time since we last met. I just miss his physical presence. But well, he's always in my heart. You know, the feeling of loving someone yet not being able to call him your other half, is horrid. Is it just another test of patience? And the worse thing is that, i'm already treating him like my other half, in fact, he's my unofficial other half. I think of him when i'm at work, i think of him wen i'm having lunch, i think of him wen i'm busy even, hoping that he's fine and sometimes just wondering how he is and what he's doing. I hope that i wun be hurt by him though. sigh...
Sometimes, i have the thought that he's just using me as a temporary replacement as he's on a rebound from a bad relationship. And whenever i think of that, i'll feel very very very upset and bad. sighs... who knows if it's even true...
Now waiting for him to finish his conversation with his friend, and i'll wait for him to decide if he still wants to chat or not.. i dun wanna tire his mouth out. haha...
Going swimming tomorrow with lennel. Asked kenneth along but he's lazy. Well, i dun wanna force him so yea, just let him be.. anyway, i'll already be meeting him this saturday. Can't wait to see him again. I just love him. sigh.......
Halfway through blogging, i went to pee. While peeing, i was thinking to myself, why am i getting this feeling? The feeling of loss. I guess i'm getting possessive. i can be wen i feel "endangered". Do i feel like i'm loosing him? Comeon, it's only a long phonecall that he's on wif his friend. How can he every tolerate me if i always act, behave and feel this way wen ever he's on the phone for a long long time??? Well, i guess i just feel threatened. Sigh...
Why is it that i'm not "single"? Why did i get "attached"? I seriously do not know the reason even. Why do i like him of all others? I can't even explain it. He's just an average boy-next-door. Well, i guess it's coz of his heart, attitude and personality. He's just different.
Why can't everyone just be single without any problems? Why do i long for him? I long for the day whereby i can just hold his hand and walk down the aisles in church with wedding bells ringing. Well, i guess, at this stage and point in time, just being able to hold his hand will do.
My mood now: mixed and a lil sad. Asked him if he wanted to chat still and he said yes. I would never want to disappoint him, but, i'm just feeling very bad. The longer i'm waiting in vain, the worse i feel. I just feel like crying, well, in fact, a tear just rolled down my cheek. Is he really worth the wait? I would say yes still though... sigh... Why did he trap my heart? No one knows.
Goodnight people...
Monday, November 13, 2006
Blogger Beta, 萃威 and Wink TV
Just as we have Trevvy Beta. And the site's no longer under test. We also have a chinese name - 萃威 (cui4 wei1).
Wink TV, Asia's first broadband and video channel is now live after nearly 2 months of development. However, only users in a few Asia region are able to view it due to the rights.
Yesterday was my cousin brother's wedding. Blessing in the morning at Telok Ayer Chinese Methodist Church (TA2) over at a place near HarbourFront. Followed by a tea ceremony at my uncle's house in Potong Pasir. Went back home to change and makeup then went for their wedding dinner at Raffles Hotel. It was a real experience.
During the blessing session in church, the reverend and and my cousin said: "God made Adam and Even and not Adam and Steve." And at night, my cousin said again during his thank you speech, "God made Adam and Even and not Adam and Steve." Hey! What's the matter with it? Is that targeting at me??? So what if i'm gay? I'm not sure if he's homophobic though... For one that i know - ALL guys are NEVER straight. Just get them aroused, and they wun even mind you to jerk or suck them off. That's it!
I've been slacking, stoning and bumming at home for the whole day, doing nothing productive. It's always like that on Sundays. I've made up my mind to buy the water cistern tomorrow afternoon at the hardware shop in Rochor and bring it home to fix it at night. It has been months since it gave way and dropped onto my back while i was shitting and poor me got all wet. Such a good time to drop - imagine yourself shitting and halfway, something drops on you, and gets you wet - and you have NOTHING to flush away your shitt thereafter.
Hope it's not making you puke. Waiting for my beloved Kennie (well, he's not mine la, but how i wish and hope he is) and then, chat with him later. You know, i actually had this dream one night, that he told me that he thinks that we're too close and that we should distance ourselves and be just friends. period. After waking up, i felt so relieved that it was just a dream. I dunno how i would react if it was true.. I think i would go into depression or into a suicide mode... haha... I really love him.. I'm treating him as my other half, even though we're not.
Goodnight people!
Friday, November 10, 2006
Seven Month Itch
I've to attend my first "trilogy" of weddings tomorrow, starting with my dad's friend's daughter. I don't even know my dad's friend. Please - call me and entertain me, or at least sms me from 7.30pm onwards to keep me occupied okie??? I would really really appreciate that.
And here's the article from Trevvy, written by my editor regarding the Seven Month Itch.
The awareness is there, but unsafe sex practices between MSM remain a concern. A new play by AfA and TNS attempts to address the issues, but Trevvy’s Kerbing Lee asks, “How?”The Necessary Stage (TNS) has been commissioned by Action for Aids (AfA), the local AIDS prevention and awareness initiative, to create a play. The Seven-Month Itch is the product. The taglines?
“He has betrayed the trust of his partner. Worst of all, he may be infected”
“Will he be brave enough to take an HIV-test?”
“Will he confess his infidelity to his partner?”Sounds like one should expect something of the melodrama typical of an after-school sex-ed special. But as even the playwright, Haresh Sharma of TNS, admits, there is a high penetration of awareness of safe sex practices with regards to MSM (men who have sex with men). However, when it comes to the actual practice of safe sex, the figures don’t lie. A whole lot of people just aren’t doing it. So, how does AfA expect to get the message across? Here’s a condom, wear it. Protect oneself. Protect one’s partner. We’ve heard it endlessly. Now what?
Sharma believes that there is some amount of complacency going on. In the incipient days of the AIDS epidemic, there was at least the fear that had people either abstaining from casual sex, or at least practicing safe sex. As advocates for those who had become infected and faced stigmatisation, there was the campaign to educate about transmission, and ways of living with the infection. Health initiatives made HIV less of a bogeyman, exposing how the virus worked and how it could be managed. One’s neighbour could be positive; a relative, likewise. One could be dating an infected individual. But don’t be afraid – no need to discriminate. The sharing of utensils, saliva, or air alone isn’t going to get one infected. Use a condom.
At the same time, get regular tests. If one does get infected, it’s better to find out as early as possible. Even if one is infected, no need to contemplate suicide. With counselling and treatment, one can almost surely resume one’s meaningful existence. Have a boyfriend, pop a few pills, and live out a fulfilling career. Or at least that’s what popular gay entertainment tells us.
So now, we no longer live with the fear. Then, how does one get people to listen? Individuals are weighing the prospect of living with a terminal condition and the inconvenience, and the decrease in pleasure, in the heat of the moment and deciding that the risk of infection is something they can live with. People are still getting infected left and right. It may not be HIV, but there are a slew of other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) to be had – syphilis, for one. “So what? That’s curable,” is what one might hear. Now, what is to be done?It’s tricky to negotiate the landscape, what with the landmines. Yes, an infected individual isn’t someone to discriminate against. Yes, one can manage HIV infection to an extent. At the same time, one must be afraid enough to want to stay safe – whether or not in the interest of oneself, or of one’s partner.
So, if people have become complacent, and are tired of the messages, why come to this play? Sharma believes that people will come if only to enjoy a performance. It doesn’t hurt to feature two attractive actors – Timothy Nga and Danny Yeo – either. As Sharma puts it, MSM refers not just to gay men, “We’re talking about married men, gay men, foreign works.” But he believes that if one can reach at least one part of the equation, maybe next time, this person will think, “Hey, maybe I should do this instead.” From his experience with working on plays that drive social messages – he was previously commissioned by the Samaritans of Singapore (SOS) to write a play concerning suicide prevention – Sharma says that it’s important to target pockets of people at a time in outreach, and to promote discussion.
Sharma has created The Seven-Month Itch as an interactive piece. The audience, he says, will feel engaged and become invested in the discussion because they will be allowed to take on the role of the protagonist in various situations and to suggest how this character should act given his options. An audience participant might provide textbook answers, but the actors have been coached to throw in a few curve balls to make it as difficult as possible for them to take the responsible stance. This at least begins to re-create the likely factors that may impair an individual’s judgement when it comes to issues of safe sex and fidelity – alcohol, impetuosity, a gorgeous guy.
The Seven-Month Itch is an attempt by AfA to address some of the issues that can lead to the practice of unsafe sex and the possible transmission of HIV and other STIs in as innovative a way as possible. However, the concern still remains of how effective the execution is going to be. I asked Sharma for his thoughts on the matter. He said that this was his first time working with AfA for a play such as this.
Previously, he had worked with Paddy Chew, the first Singaporean to publicly announce that he was HIV positive. The play, Completely With/Out Character, a one-man show about Chew and performed by Chew in 1999 was Sharma’s first theatrical endeavour dealing with HIV and AIDS. Sharma said that with strain of the production, after every performance, Chew would collapse backstage. But he should show up again the next day without fail. Chew died shortly after the end of the run. Sharma admits that sometimes the situation with AIDS awareness and prevention – especially in Singapore – does get to him. But he feels compelled to do what he can when he thinks back to his work with Chew.
Organizations such as AfA can only do so much. They have clearly done excellent work in the areas of education and awareness. When it comes to the more recent issues with complacently and “condom fatigue”, as one member of the Health Promotion Board as put it, new strategies may be necessary to understand what people are thinking and feeling when they are aware of the risks involved, but persist with unsafe practices such as bare-backing (engaging in anal sex without the use of a condom). Or when people ask what the point of regular STI screenings is. Some feel that by the time they are infected, it is already too late and they wonder why they should bother to find out. Nevertheless, it is still important for organizations such as AfA to continue their work. One only hopes that they are able to evolve their structures and solutions in order to address the new situation before it becomes inevitable that a wave of fear concerning STIs is necessitated again.
Author's bio: Having worked previously as sub-editor (albeit, effectively editor) at a small and limited circulation publication, Kerbing Lee feels that it is time for him to propagate his wise and omniscient views on a larger stage. When not penning down his ever-incoherent thoughts, Lee can be found running like a big, sweaty ostrich around the vicinity of Holland Village, or capsizing kayaks along the far-from-crystal-clear waters of East Coast Park.
Get your tickets $23 now from Gatecrash or you may get it at the door as well. Concessions at $19.
Till then, Goodnite peeps!
Monday, November 06, 2006
It's Novemeber!
Nothing much has happened these days. Life still goes on. Kennie busy with his studies as usual. I'm just glad that he makes time for me even though he gets pretty tired after all his lessons.
I popped the question again on Friday night. I was disappointed yet again - he's not looking for another relationship.
It's a boring day. And oh well, just live life as it is. I'm just contented that he's my close friend. But of course, i would want more but how can i ever force such thing?
I'll not be able to spend his upcoming December holidays with him. He begins his holidays on the 18th and he'll be leaving for Korea. And when he returns, i'll be leaving for Thailand. Oh well, what can be done now? Cancel my trip and upset my parents and waste money? Well, i'll just have to wait till his holiday perhaps - just to spend time with him.
Signing off.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Sunday again
Was Saturday yesterday. Duh. I slept rather late on Friday night as i was chatting with Kennie on the phone. I was woken by the ringing of my phone at about 6am. It was a work related call and the request was just to ask me to change a picture on the website. Couldn't it be done through sms? I went back to sleep and i woke up again at 10am as i had to go back to office - yes you heard it right. Team Trevvy Standard Chartered Marathon 2006 sponsored by New Balance. Briefing was today so yea. had to go down to open up the office. I feel so much like a office warden - o well, yes i am one. Warden of office and Kennie.. haha... Cleared up some work and rotted in office all the way till about 6 plus. Went to Kennie house thereafter and then went out for dinner at Lot 1. He had beef noodles while i had yong tau foo. It was the prep for my atkins. We went to the playground in CCK. It's nice and a good place for doing photoshoots. I would do photoshoots there in future for Brave. I enjoyed the time spent together with him there. Well, doesn't mean that i don't for the rest, but i enjoyed those moments, having fun playing on the rides (and we're way overaged) and chatting. He left for home and I left for Sweat at Happy. Nothing much and i didn't had the mood. Maybe coz i was tired. Kennie was surfing and didn't was asleep when i reached home so we chatted on the phone before we slept. How sweet it is... I really treasure all these moments we spend together and all that... It makes my heart melt and all the tiredness and sadness just fades away whenever he's around or i hear his voice, well, even if it's just online chatting, i enjoy it.
Slept and woke up only at 4.30pm today. I'm such a pig. I'm not denying it. Looked at my phone and i had 23 missed calls. 18 from the same person. No prize for guessing who it was. It was the same person and same thing again. To change the picture in the website. I had changed it but i changed the wrong one. Well, it's not my fault as he didn't mention it clearly and he sounded like the one one i changed. Well, it's over so yea... double work lorz... Went back to office again for the briefing and came back home.
Had yong tau foo for dinner. It's Day 1 of my diet. My weight is now 56kg and i hope that i can loose some weight ba... I shall try to go on this diet for at least 1 month and if possible, 2 months and i should be happy. And well, i've actually no goal for me weight. so yea... haha... at least i wun be feeling sad if i dun achieve my goal right?? haha...
My very first ex stays in geylang (east). My 2nd ex, which is also my very last one, stays in redhill (central-west). Now, Kennie is staying in the north west. It seems that it's going further and further. people say that distance matters at times. But to me, i do not know why, but i just do not mind traveling all the way to his house just to meet him for dinner, or even to ta bao dinner for him... Why is that so? Perhaps, it's love - that's what they call it ba. It's totally different always. I'm just touched sometimes by the little things he does and says. I simply just love him. I really mean love and not like. The feeling's just different.
Time to sleep and chat with him soon. Signing off!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
We left each other about 1 hour ago. Now i'm having a sense of loss. I miss him dearly.
Think I should just go to bed now and stop thinking so much.
Goodnight people.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Didn't even do anything production today. Rotted at home the whole day and spend more than 1/2 the day on bed. Kennie is still better than me as he went out shopping for a pair of trunks at taka with his parents.
My sincere condolences to Terry as he lost his mom to cancer last saturday.
It's monday tomorrow and it's back to work and school. Looking forward to the holiday on tuesday. haha...
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Happy Deepavali
My designer was stuck in the lift yesterday. The small tiny lift - prob the smallest lift in singapore jammed... Luckily he was the only one inside else i guess those stuck inside would suffocate to death. Haha... After he was rescued, the lift wasn't repaired. Instead, a sign was just pasted at the lift button - Lift Under Mantainence. Oh well, now i can't access to the office as the lift's spoilt and i don't have the keys to the back door of my office. haha... This is real suey and i never ever expected this to happen.
Today, went to SJAB headquarters for the Officers' Seminar. Not really like a seminar though but it was more of a refresher course for all the new officers who had just passed out from the officer conversion course. As for me, i left SJAB wen i was in sec 4 and until now, i think i've forgotten most of the stuffs le.. Lucky for me, i'll be an officer there so i need not make a new set of uniform - just the coat aka jacket will do and i can wear any tee underneath and black pants and shoes. So that means that low cost for me. haha...
I was immediately arrowed to be the safety officer for the NCO course in dec and i was like, "o.k...". And thereafter, called upon to be in charge of the basic home nursing course which will start in Feb 2007. I was like, "Whoa! Straight away got responsibilities le..." Well, i don't mind it actually. In fact, it's something which i like - passing all the knowledge which i know to others. I have had the passion for nursing and teaching since i was young and i think this is really a good chance for me to pass everything to people whom are really interested to learn. It was supposed to end at about noon - but in the end, it ended at 4pm.
Left HQ and went over to office to deposit the home nursing booklet into my office's letterbox as i didn't want to carry it all around singapore whereever i go.. hahah... Thereafter, took a bus ride to Bukit Panjang to meet up with kennie. We went to Holland Village as he hasn't been there before and then brought him to eat the sam lau (or isit lo) hor fun. He said that it's nice - i agreed (else why would i even want to bring him there to eat???) haha... Then we went back to BP and we walked around in BPP... Den i left for home as it was already close to 11pm.
I really enjoyed the time that i spent with him. I simply love it and i just get this special feeling when i'm with him... Its something which i've not got for a long time.
And please people, kenneth didn't hurt me at all. Let alone hurting me badly. Please do not think that he did and start calling him up to question him or anything. Please. He's so good to me just as i am to him. (oops... am i self praising?? hehe...) If you would like to help me or anything, please come to me directly instead of thinking that he did and you know, in turn get back at him or something.. i would be very hertbroken if you did that as he'll be hurt and i wouldn't want that. So please - don't interogate him horz....
And in the sentence, "i was kinda comforted by his actions and what he said", he didn't apologise to me or anything. It's just something that we discussed - i regret to inform you that it's private and i wouldn't want to share it - which i felt comforted, that's all...
That's all for now. Enjoy your sunday and then it's back to work and/or school on monday people. Dun fret as it's a public holiday again on tuesday, hari raya puasa. That's when the muslims break fast and enjoy eating~~ I myself am looking forward to that day... not coz i'm breaking fast but coz it's a holiday = no work.. yeah!
Nitez ppl... Take care and enjoy.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Thanks people
Went out with kennie just now and i was kinda comforted by his actions and what he said... He waited for me to finish work and i met him at the library and we read books.. he read on trains and me on trains and buses. Went to purvis street for chicken rice thereafter and walked around in raffles city shopping center...
Went to suntec to walk around also. His legs were suan so we sat at the sky garden for a while to rest and chat. Thereafter, we walked to esplanade's bus stop and i waited with him for his bus and sent him off.
Even though we're close friends, he's such a part of my life, and i treat him as though as he's my partner - too attached? maybe. I can't image what will happen if he leaves me.
Not having our nightly phone chat for tonight as he's tired. I can tell that. Poor him... but at least he has the whole of tomorrow to sleep. ANd as for me, i've a meeting to attend in the morning at 9.30 at St John's Headquarters at Beach Road. Thereafter, i've no plans all the way. Am supposed to meet this friend of mine who stays in cck, but he's unable to confirm with me as he has his homework to complete. Therefore, if he doesn't get back to me, i'll be left planless. And not sure if i'll be meeting kennie at night for dinner. I hope we will ba... Again - tentative again..
Time to sleep. Goodnight peeps!
Friday, October 20, 2006
Heart B.r.e.a.k
chatted with someone online.. and it seems that the person i chatting with also likes kenneth...
Am i destined to be single and unwanted for my life?
*me wails*
Thursday, October 19, 2006
My MSN display pic is the same pic. Whenever i feel sad, i look at it - just him alone - will cheer me up. I'm getting so crazy about him and i'm getting head over heels with him. I can't imagine what will happen to me if he leaves...
This post is just a lame and useless post. Just posting it while waiting for him to get ready for our nightly chats.. you know.. he has to eat a lil' and brush his teeth... o wells...
everyday and night, i think about P..Q..R..S..T..U......
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
My Dreamboy
It's only after the first time meeting that I began to notice something unique and special about him. We chatted more and more online and began meeting up more frequently. I would go all the way after work to his area just to have dinner with him. He was still having his school holidays and didn't have anything to do. Having broke up from a 2.5 years of a bad relationship whereby his partner cheated on him and possessed him like a kept boy, he's now enjoying his freedom.
He's only 18. But he knows a lot. He's cute, adorable and charming. I can't get my eyes off him. I've been bringing him to whatever movie that i'm watching. He even went into a movie just meant for those aged 21 years and above only. He was even so proud of it - saying that it was his first R21 movie and kept the ticket stub.
We've been chatting for more than a week everynight on the phone. Sometimes, i'm just so touched by his actions. I feel so attached to him and he would just ask me to make decisions for him. We're now more than normal friends. We're special friends and i'm happy with it. I'm just hoping that he'll get over his past relationship soon and pick himself up.
Holding hands and walking down the red carpet down the aisle in church with wedding bells ringing. Everyone hopes and wishes for this. My cousin will be doing so next month. But will it happen for people like us? Well, sadly at this point in time, it will never happen in Singaypore. Perhaps, in a few years time, maybe 10 or so, we'll all be able to walk down the pink carpet instead.
You are my dreamboy. You should know who you are, if you're reading this. Take care.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Innovationation - Play, touch and learn
Woke up at 9am to wake kennie up. went back to sleep all the way till 11am, bathed and went to meet kennie in the train. Went to singapore expo hall 3 to see the innovationation. Was quite big and interesting. Went to changi airport thereatfter and had lunch there. The skytrain changed. It's nicer but i dun kinda like it. Went to teh budget terminal. it's rather small and nothing much at all. only 1 hans. Brought him to bedok and had a tour of my estate and then we had dinner at the hawker center in bedok south. We had hokkien mee and he said that it was nice. Went to bedok central to eat chendol over at the hollywood stall. The standard had dropped.
Walked around for a while more and i sent him off to the bus stop. After he left, i kinda felt alone all over again. How i wish i could have him with me always. I think i'm getting addicted to him...
Can he be the one that i want? Can he be my significant other half? Can he be the person that i can love and cherish? It's opened ended. It's a BIG question mark.
It hurts.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Sigh... I'm begining to draw closer and closer to him, but alas, he's not even ready for anything yet. He's still afraid i guess. I'm just waiting for the time and day.... It's not a nice feeling... longing for something and not being able to get it. It takes 2 hands to clap. I've never felt anything like this for such a long long time, more than 2 years to be exact...
I'm waiting and hoping for the best...
Monday, October 09, 2006
SUNday - What's with the Haze and PSI readings?
Woke up at 10.15am. Didn't want to wake up initially and felt like just being uncontactable except to the ones close to my heart and *selected* friends of mine so that i could just skip working. I'm like so bad horz.. haha... Of course i didn't and forced myself out of the bed.
My patient wasn't very cooperative today. Slept the whole time. Slept when bathing, slept when eating, didn't want to open his mouth when i fed him and slept when watching tv. Oh wait! How can you sleep when you watch tv - so that goes to say tat he didn't watch at all - i was instead. haha....

Went home and slept all the way from 4.30 to 8pm. Woke up and realised that the haze today wasn't that bad. Went to NEA's website to check the psi readings. I'm a little confused. The readings are different. Oh well, i don't care much as long as i've clean air. How i wished that it was like that on friday and yesterday - not becuase i was out with kennie but coz friday was lantern festival and i went with kennie to chinese garden to see lanterns. Couldn't even see the moon lorz.. such a waste. How 2 shang ye like tat??? Den yesterday movie Xmen2 and Xmen3 at the padang. Well, but even with the haze, i enjoyed my time wif kennie... :)
Okie.. time 2 sleep. It's monday tomorrow and it's back to work all over again.
Saturday, October 07, 2006

And if it's not cancelled, i would have to sit near to the screen, else i'll be watching a blur movie.. hahaha....

Happy belated lantern festival. Isit lantern festival or mooncake festival? haha... Went to chinese gardens to celebrate - just by walking around admiring all the different types of lanterns. Went with kenneth. Enjoyed the time with him... And i took photos.. hehe... All thanks to him that i took it, else do you think that i would take it? haha... Well, i guess he has an edge over me ba...
Okie.. time to change soon. Going to vivocity to catch the official opening of golden village vivocity. Hopefully i can get the free movie tix being given to the 1st 200 ppl... hahaha...

Sunday, October 01, 2006
512k sux
It's been a tiring weekend. I received an sms on friday evening from my friend asking me if i could take care of an individual patient during the weekend. I agreed as i had no plans and besides, it's not a full day affair - only 6 hours per day.
Woke up at 10am on saturday. Surfed the net and cleared up some work. Left my house at about 11.05 and realised that i'll be late if i took a bus. Took a cab to the venue instead. Kensinton Park Condo. A car was in front of the cab when i alighted and my friend waved me over. Went over to the five star chinese rice place at serangoon gardens for lunch, i didn't eat as i had cereals in the morning. Thereafter, went to toa payoh to collect something and then to balestier plaza for shopping at ntuc. By the time we arrived back home, it was already close to 4. And then my patient slept all the way till 5.50pm. Den i changed his diapers for him and went off. That's easy and he's a very very simple guy. I charged them my standard rate and they seemed quite happy and satisfied with it.
Went to meet Lennel at city hall and we ended up in Hans national library for dinner. Thereafter, to blue heaven to do my audit and also at the same time, to collect the leftovers from the RED subscription promo. After blue heaven, went back to office to put down the stuffs as well as to deposit the cash into the bank - i didn't want to get robbed and risk losing my life. Money's not of a problem to me. Oh heck with it - i shall not go on with this. Went to Happy for sweat after that. I paid $40 for the cK Love t shirts when i could get it for free - i didn't know that we would be giving out instead of Happy's staffs. So in the end, i paid for nothing. Well, at least i got my share worth. *grinz* Well, you know who that tee will go to la... That special someone of mine. Hopefully he'll appreciate it and not be a letdown to me. But o well(s), i've been used to these letdowns and dissapointments. I'm already immune to it but i just hope that this time round, it would work out. I've never had this type of feeling for someone since i left my ex more than 2 years back. Reached home close to 5 and slept only at 6am.
Woke up at 10am and did my usual routine work online and ate cereals. Took a cab to my patient's home again. Nothing eventful. Left at 6.30pm - no, i didn't chare for an additional hour as i willingly stayed behind when i could have left. Well, but all these is no big deal so yup yup... Supposed to go to airport to send boss away, but he didn't want me to go as was afriad that he would cry and he doesn't want to see him cry.. haha...
So now i'm back. Very tired and i'm going to sleep now.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
1988 Outing | Mooncakes
Left Mox and went to Happy, Taboo and finally rested outside WhyNot. Then, drama occured. Someone slapped someone... but no punches though... Gays are less likely to punch each other. Left at 4am and reached home at about 5am. It's nice being with people younger than me - makes me feel young, not that i'm old oso la.. haha...
Slept only at 7am. Woke up at 2pm. Surfed the net a little and started making mooncakes at 5pm. And finished only close to 9pm. That's how long i take to make 30 mini snowskin mooncakes. Pandan flavored snowskin mooncakes with green tea filling. Have not tried it as yet. Will do so tomorrow.
Sleeptime soon.
Wednesday's the start of the Nokia Starlight Cinema series and i'll be going for the movie premiere of American Dreamz and Kenneth's following me... hehe...
Goodnight! Sweet dreamz people...
Monday, September 18, 2006
Woke up, went to work. Nothing eventful. Made numerous calls today informing them thay had won tickets to little miss sunshine. It's tomorrow, 7.15pm at Prince and i'll be watching it with Kenneth.
Time to sleep soon. Really tired and boss will be back tomorrow from his overseas trip. Hmmm... do you think he'll buy something for me? /me wonders...
Have a nice night people and you're Blessed!
Sunday, September 17, 2006
It's Sunday!
At about 5pm, this guy messaged me. Here's part of the transcript:-
[17:38] (**): hey
[17:38] (**): heard tt u r a former commando izzit??
[17:39] (mirantz): me???
[17:39] (mirantz): heard from who de?
[17:39] (**): are you??
[17:40] (mirantz): erm..
[17:40] (mirantz): can say so ba..
[17:40] (mirantz): lol
[17:41] (mirantz): y ar?
[17:42] (**): really
[17:42] (**): just asking loh
[17:43] (**): i loves cdo
and shortly after,
[17:54] (**): to be honest
[17:55] (**): im also in hendon camp as a clerk
and i asked for his name...
[17:58] (**): who r you
[17:58] (mirantz): u r who?
[17:58] (**): mind tell me??
[17:58] (mirantz): edgar... heard of me b4?
[17:58] (**): heard of
[17:58] (mirantz): :P
[17:58] (mirantz): haha
[17:59] (mirantz): wad's yr name?
[17:59] (**): u know **??
[17:59] (**): vefore supply coy
[17:59] (**): was from Sof
At that point of time, my heart nearly skipped a beat. Was it the guy which i knew and which i initially thought was nice? OMG!!! Then, i found out that there were 2 persons with the similar name and that i didn't know him...
[18:06] (**): I REMEMBER YOU LIAO
[18:06] (mirantz): lol
[18:06] (mirantz): i'm glad u did...
[18:06] (**): RIGHT?!
[18:06] (mirantz): did he?? lol
[18:06] (mirantz): :P
[18:06] (**): yes
[18:07] (**): he always praise you in front of me of you
[18:07] (**): while we go for smoking break
By then, i'm really curious of who he was - how he looked like and such...
[17:59] (mirantz): u have a docket?
[17:59] (**): how i look like
[17:59] (**): i do
[17:59] (mirantz): wad's yr username?
[17:59] (**): u show me urs 1st lah.
[18:00] (mirantz): www.trevvy.com/?mirantz
[18:00] (mirantz): :)
[18:00] (mirantz): yours?
He gave me his URL to his Yahoo photo album. He looked familar. He's someone i knew through the course of my job. I would not say anything more though...
We exchanged numbers...
[18:21] (**): 9******
[18:22] (**): [Name]
[18:22] (**): hey
[18:22] (**): ed
[18:22] (mirantz): 9****** - mirantz
[18:22] (mirantz): or u can call me edgar
[18:22] (mirantz): yup?
[18:22] (**): i call you Edgar lah
[18:22] (**): more "xin xie"
[18:22] (**): more "qin xie"
I was thinking to myself, Hey! I don't even know you well lorz.. We've just met each other once and you've heard so much about me while i've not heard anything about you and here you wanna be qin xie with me...
And after some time later while we were chatting, he just said this...
[19:16] (**): alot of ppl REALLYS MISSES YOU
[19:16] (mirantz): awww
[19:16] (**): QUEK C_C LAH
[19:16] (**): BRENT LAH
[19:16] (mirantz): :P
[19:16] (**): ETC.
That's it about him ba... Well well, i'm so glad that i'm still remembered by people in camp for the good things. I'll have sweet dreams and a good sleep tonight. At least i know that people from camp won't come and haunt me at night or even when they die.. (oops.. choy choy, touch wood - 7th month cannot anyhow say).
Chatted with Kenneth.. Enjoyed it very much. Hendri's in Batam now for a meeting which his company sent him for. Poor him. Putting up in a motel with no aircon and lotsa mozzies. One good thing's that he has free access to the computer terminate and free usage of the internet. I wonder if i would be able to have it in Bangkok. My mailbox will just most prob get flooded and explode. Director and Chief Executive will not be in Singapore for 6 whole days. I hope that sales will not dip. haha... Oh ya, back to where i was (i'm always drifting from one topic to another), Hendri's coming back tomorrow night, so that's one thing good that he can look forward to.
It's 10.14 pm. It's so boring. Had cereals for dinner again just now. Nothing else to eat as i couldn't get in touch with my dad as i wanted him to ta-bao for me. Next time, if i'm old and still single (i hope i would not be next time), and i don't pick up my calls, maybe i'm like starved to death at home (0r office) le. haha...
It's Saturday

It's Saturday! Erm... not now coz it's already past midnight so by right, should be sunday la.
Woke up at noon, went online for a while, approved all the C.A.P ads and vetted through all the dockets pictures. My colleague smsed me 15 mins after i woke up and i didn't even know it as my phone's in silent mode. Not even vibrating as i will put my phone to silent without vibrating on friday and saturday nights when i sleep so that i can have my uninterrupted sleep. At about 12.45pm, the flashing of the phone caught my eye while i was reading the forums. My colleague called saying that he was reaching bugis in 5 mins time and ask where i was. I was like OMG... I rushed through my shower and went to meet him.
Went to office thereafter to clear up some of my work (even though there's not much work to be cleared). From the window of my office, i looked down and the road was packed with police and heavy traffic. A small stretch of North Bridge Road, starting from the junction of Middle Road was closed for the IMF. The view from my office's as shown on the right. That's the library if you can't recognize or if you haven't seen it before. (picture taken using a K800i - bos si's phone)
Went to Lennel's home to play with his dog. Brought along a dvd and watched it in his room. Was just like a cinema with 5.1 surround sound - just that the screen's small. haha... Ta bao-ed dinner thereafter from a nearby coffeeshop. Food was bad. I would rather have Macdonalds and get fatter den to eat that. lol... He lent me the Recycle DVD as well as the I Not Stupid 2 DVD and i can watch it tomorrow (today in fact).
Came home. Did nothing much. Chatted with my di and kenneth. And i just learnt that my friend has been suspended from his job for this whole week pending a police investigation. Wouldn't want to say much on it. Going to sleep soon.
Goodnight peeps and have a happy sunday!
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Met up with the owners of Pink.sg. It's a blog quite nicely done up. our voice - an open blog for GLBT's. Go take a look.
Reinstalling my ad server. I forgot the password therefore i'm unable to login to change the ads. Now uploading all the 755 files into my server before i can begin the installation.
I'm tired. Goodnight.
P.S. I think i'm starting to work on my love life again. haha... that's provided someone's responsive.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Belated post.
Do you speak english? Do you speak good english? What is Good English? Do you want to speak good english? When do you want to speak good english? Give an example of good english. Give an example of bad english. WHY to all questions. Do you speak singlish? Do you speak good singlish? What is Good singlish? Do you want to speak good singlish? When do you want to speak good singlish? Give an example of good singlish. Give an example of bad singlish. WHY to all questions. This are the questions that were thrown to me in an interview that was studying linguistics in uni.
Okie. And this sux. I accidentally kicked the plug of the router and now my internet connection is lost. Now i can't connect to the net. I can't even connect to my router. No route to host.
Arggh... i dun wanna blog anymore. what's the use when i'll only save this entry to my hard disk and publish only it tomorrow? I'll just type everying in tomorrow's post.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Hair do
Stayed at home the whole day. Ate cerals again for dinner. updated jm website so that i can send out the newsletter tomorrow. cleared emails. Something worng's with the server. I can't seem to send out any emails coz it keeps saying disk space full.. hmmm...
Chatted with friends online. Chatted with my di... Meeting him tomorrow for dinner. Den meeting kenneth, a train enthusiast for dinner on tuesday. It's hard to find train enthusiasts in singapore. Bus enthusiast - lots of them.
Watched Total Eclipse. It's another gay-themed movie. Don't ask me where i got it from. I always have my sources. Thanks to the internet. Haha... Sad ending. Knee tumor. Rare.
Time to sleep soon. Will do so after i finish chatting with my di and kenneth.
Nitez ppl.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Fun Day
Met up with Alex and Jared at starbucks tampines. Jared gets 20% off coz he's a staff. That's good. Went walking around with Jared as his bf's not here yet. Couldn't accompany him any longer and left him. Went to make appointment to cut my hair tomorrow. 2pm.
Stomach's feeling hungry (or maybe not too good) now. Maybe coz i only ate a little bit today and nothing else.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Proud of my work.
Got to sleep. Nitez.
Monday, September 04, 2006
It's September
Went to mox last night and then to AfA's AGM this afternoon and also to COMEX. Bought a new D-Link Wireless ADSL router.
Boss went to Bangkok again for a holiday. Therefore, no one to play with me tomorrow and the day after.
Goodnight peeps. I'm tired. Need my beauty sleep.
P.S. The Queen - is broke. Had to ask his dad to "lend" (give) him some money last night to survive. haha...
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Camera Spoilt
The entire reflex mirror came off. Now i'm without a camera and i have a shoot on thursday. Should you know of anyting who has a digital SLR to lend me for 1 day, on thursday, please contact me.
Help much appreciated.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Nothing much to blog about.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Company Website Revamped
Came home and revamped my company's website - http://www.film5.org/
Now, it's time to sleep as i'm tired from all that revamping.
Tomorrow having NUS Pagent @ 7.30pm at Zouk and BRAVE is the official modelling agency. Then off to Happy for Sweat @ 11.30pm.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Trevvy under test
No use using it when i dun even know how to use the admin functions nor do i have access to it.
What can i do? I'm being ignored. I'm unwanted.
Trevvy.com is now LIVE
Months of hard work is finally paid off with Trevvy BETA.
And to the team who done it - Cheers!
Visit it at http://www.trevvy.com now.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
End of SGBOY Era
Trevvy will be launched sometime tomorrow.
It's kinda sad seeing sgboy go... 7 years...
Am very tired. Dunno why...
Monday, August 21, 2006
Everything's fine
I'm now more concerned about the launch Trevvy in less than 72 hours time than anything else. Read more about it here
And i may be having a new god-brother soon... After my one and only one turned straight - thanks to CHOICES. It's not a replacement mind you.
I should be sleep soon i guess... didn't sleep well last night...
Jinxed in Love & Relationships
Trevvy's launched is delayed again. Ian and Tyler broke up again. It's hard being a good friend. NOt when you can't bring 2 persons face to face and then asking them to talk about it. O Wells, just another complicated issue.
Tyler's becoming a Brave model. Tyler finds Alex cute. Tyler's got the looks and the height. First Tyler asked me (or us, with alex) out for movie. Then he just asked Alex out, maybe coz i was slow in replying. Fine. I was feeling sad or jealous thereafter.
Why should i get affected??? Oh gosh. I'm not even attached to Alex. I'm not even his Partner. well, business partner - yes. But why can't he just get out of my head? This is seriously not helping. I should just stay away from him and stop meeting him.
What's the point of making myself feel hurt and bad when he's not even my partner?!?!? Grrr... I'm always in the losing end - yeah!
Caring for him - yes, coz i guess i still like him. But what's the use of having a 1 sided love and to get hurt in return? it's no point. useless. just hurting myself even more. I had a little thought about suicide for the first time. Oh My! why did i??? That should never even come to my mind. What will happen to my parents? To Dom? To ASM??? To all my friends??? well, suicide is never the way out. it's only for losers - I'm not. I've saved by GRACE by GOD! Oh my - i'm tearing.... GOD! FATHER! HELP ME! WORTHY IS THE LAMB!
Time to sleep. - Thanks very much Christel.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Came back and i bought $5 worth of sushi - all my hard work wasted. Sigh...
Time to sleep. Long day tomorrow. Trevvy's launching real soon - so that means more work - have been busy la...
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Happy Birthday Singapore
Rotted almost the whole day at home. Thanks to Hendri, i went out, else i would have became a pig. Met him for dinner at TCC Bugis Junction. Thereafter, we went over to Marina Square via Suntec City. Suntec's really empty today and MS had more people. Normally it would be the other way round instead. Had the Japanese Swensens and headed back to citylink. Poor him, had to go back to office to collect some stuffs. Met Alex along the way and we took the train home together.
Other than that, nothing much. Enjoyed the time with Hendri though... He likes going Malaysia and i do too.. maybe can go there together one of these days. i miss going to Malaysia.
Goodnight people.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Shagged out @ Nite
Woke up on sunday morning and took a cab to gleneagles hospital for my assignment. Arrived at 8am and patient was already wide awake in bed. Saw my ex-classmate, Wilson - he was the night nurse. Chatt with him for a while and then took over. Rested for a while and the patient's wife came at 9am. She was surprised that i was there as she didn't request for a day nurse. A mis-communication occured. By right, i was supposed to charge a cancellation fee of $50, but then i just waived it for her as i didn't even do anything. Must one be so calculative in life? She asked to come back at night for night shift instead and i agreed.
I came back at night and she paid me my "salary" and gave me $20 as allowance for the morning. That was so nice of her. I declined, but she kinda forced it down me, so i gladly accepted it. At first, everything was fine.
6/8/06, 2100 - Patient sat out of bed on chair.
6/8/06, 2200 - Patient still on chair, not sleeping, wide awake.
6/8/06, 2359 - Patient still on chair, not sleeping, wide awake.
6/8/06, 2359 - Patient still on chair, not sleeping, wide awake.
7/8/06, 0100 - Patient still on chair, not sleeping, wide awake.
7/8/06, 0200 - Patient still on chair, not sleeping, wide awake.
7/8/06, 0300 - Patient still on chair. Didn't want to go back to bed to sleep. I could not close my eyes even for a wink as he always wanted to stand up. And it's not a geri chair, just a normal armchair.
0330 - Patient urinated on chair and on floor. Began cleaning up. This was just the begining.
0350 - Finished cleaning up and put patient back to bed. Thought that i could now close my eyes...
0355 - Patient became restless in bed. Upon checking, he PUed and BOed on the bed. I went to prepare to clean him up.
0425 - Done with cleaning up patient, changing gown for patient and changing the entire bedsheet.
0430 - Patient became restless. Attempted to climb out of bed. Stopped him and had a debate with him (chix and dux talk).
0500 - Gave in to patient and allowed him to walk bit by bit up and down the corridor of the ward.
0530 - Stood along the corrdior outside the ward. Insisted in not wanting to back to his room.
0600 - Still standing along the corrdior outside the ward. Persuaded him to go back to sleep but patient refused.
0645 - AM shift staff arrived and managed to talk him round and got him back into the room. Cleaned him up upon reaching the room.
0700 - Rested on wheelchair.
0750 - Insisted on me taking him for another round of walk.
0820 - Left patient after telling ward sister and went to work.
Whole day at work. Alpha testing of Trevvy and then wen to popular orchard with my boss to buy papers for the media kit and paper clips. Came back and took over the remaining tasks for Brave as my collegue will be going to hong kong for holidays.
Came home, totally shagged. Blogging now and going 2 collaspe onto my bed - hopefully for an uninterrupted sleep.
Friday, August 04, 2006
Packed weekend ahead
Went to SportsmenAsia and the owner, Ken said that i looked stressed and worn down... guess i really have to slow down a little and just focus on the Almighty one above.
A power-packed weekend for this and the next. 2 powerful events. this weekend, 4-6 august, Festival of Praise @ indoor stadium. Don Moen is back!
11 and 12 August, Planet shakers concert @ Expo max pavilion. Tickets selling at S$4 for students and NSFs and S$8 for adults.
So ya.. 5 powerpacked, powerful evenings. Be there, at least 1 night to be filled by God. I'm sure that you'll be greatly enriched. I'll be going on the 5th and 12th. Let me know if you wanna tag along with me.
Monday, July 31, 2006
Went to church for the 30th anniversary celebration. Service ended and went to meet one of my new friend. I can't mention his name as i have to protect his identity. It's rather sensative. By saying his name, i forsee a big storm brewing causing a havock. While he had his lunch, i had milkshake as i was already full, thanks to my church for feeding me.. haha...
Went home and slept as i was very exhausted. However, i couldn't sleep well - i couldn't have an uninterrupted sleep. That's what i dislike the most. An Interrupted Sleep.
Met up with Alex and we went together to Jared's chalet @ Chevrons. Nothing much. Nearly got lost though. haha... Well, my GPS was working, just that i was misled. haha... Chatted with him and discussed about his internship opportunity in my company. He'll get back to me and if he does have his internship in my company, i'll have to start generating projects. Have to be working extra hard and thereafter plan my financial budget le.
Is this a good or bad thing? When i'm out with Alex now, at least i dun feel as though as we're a couple. I don't have the feeling of missing him anymore and i do not feel like wanting him asmy other half. It's just a liking that's still lingering. Why? I do not know. I guess that i'm no longer love-sick and that's a good sign i would say. But still when i do meet him, i feel good. It's better to stay as friends than being as partners and after breaking up, being strangers.
Time to sleep soon. It's been a long day and tomorrow will be another long day. I'll have to rush so many things. Well, life's like that, what can we do?
And ya, the song playing now, is written by my church member, Bridget Goh. She wrote the song initially for her mission trip last year and i did a recording for her cd in which she brought it over to Philippines. I'm so honored to be one of the first persons who supported her. And now in the album, it's being sang by my god-ma, Jingle.
Your Will Be Done
Lord, will You show me the way
Guide me this day
To understand Your purpose
I Come before You and pray
Let me not stray
From walking in Your presence
I'm so afriad to lose my faith
In You my Lord my Maker
Give me strength to overcome this
It's You I want to please
And I will trust in the Lord
Lean not on my own understanding
In all of my ways, acknowledge Him
Let Your will be done in my life
Let Your will be done in my life
Lord, will You use me this day
I'll do as You say
Come take away my fears
I know, it's You that will reign
You're always the same
Your promises are true
I give to You my hopes and dreams
Will You use me for Your glory
I surrender all that I am
Proclaim that You are King
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Faithful by BPMC - Released
This CD is sold only in BPMC and those who wishes to purchase it may email info@bpmc.info.
Executive Producer and Copyright by Bethesda Pasir-Ris Mission Church, 2006.
Friday, July 28, 2006
The officers were friendly and i was in there for almost half and hour, throwing questions back and forth. All volunteers are required to take up 1 case = 1 person, Case Management. Should be able to commit for a long term basis. Probation period = from 6 to 36 months. Must make contact with client at least 4 times a month, 2 of which must be face to face, anywhere. Sounds fun and interesting.
They'll let me know the outcome of the interview in 2 weeks time if i'm successful and i'll be on a 10 hour course starting on the 26th of august and thereafter, i'm to manage a case le.
Nothing much for now. Taxi fares has risen and it's not a laughing matter. The weekend's coming le... I'll be packed this saturday. Buffet Tim Sum @ Tung Lok East Coast Park for lunch at noon and then to OC's training and thereafter to a meeting. Sweat @ nite. And i can't escape church the next day coz it's my church's 30th anniversary. So i'll just guai guai go back. haha....

Anyone wanna come with me to my church this sunday? I've asked Alex, but dunno if he's confirmed a not... Any others???
And before i close, a picture of a cute bear with it's head stuck in a computer. Nah - it's actually a USB bear. a thumbdrive la... haha...
Time 2 sleep. Goodnites.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Nothing much
Unable to fix the blinds in my office. Not professional enough to be a handyman.
Will apply for Diploma in Nursing in Decmeber at Ngee Ann Poly. Chances of me getting in are slim though.
Friday, July 21, 2006
OC Interview
Went to Ooga Chaga for an interview with Bryan and found out more about them. Not very taxing their phone duty. an average of twice per month.
Nothing much to blog about. I'm considering if i should take an intern for my company... hehe...
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Superman Returns
Nothing much to blog about today. Had lunch with my dad at Qiji at Beach Towers. Realised that Lennel's working there as well. We could have lunch or dinner one day together.
I might should happy, but i'm still in a state of loss.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Had prok porridge from Rochor market for lunch. so-so only la... not really that great and that lady selling it to me sounded like as though as her porridge is soo goood until i will want to go back to buy more like that. Well, i tell u, i wun ever go back, unless dom's sick or i'm sick den need to eat porridge lorz... Oh my.. i'm so bad. okie, i take back my words...
Went out with Tim at nite. Was supposed to go to TCC for a drink so i borrowed Dom's card but in the end, went to Billy Bombers instead. I had potato salad and cookies and cream shake. I'm feeling so guilty now, but the shake was real good though. haha... oh btw, Tim was my ex. My 2nd one in fact. My first was Darren, his brother Derrick (not a PLU) is still my good friend and we go out once in a while.
Will be going to watch Superman Returns tomorrow with Alex. Boss was commenting along the line of: Why still Alex??? Well, can't I still not go out with him even though we're not dating? Just how gay is superman? I'll find out myself tomorrow. haha...
Now, looking at my mIRC screen, there's this channel, #myplace, it's full of activities now. It was so dead just moments ago. All the memories i had while i was (and still am) in there last time. That was the very first "family" channel i joined ever since i came out, not openly though, apart from sgboy. I still remember that Samuel was the one who actually invited me over. I still see Samuel now a days over at Attica as he's actually part of the Super Sunday Party team.
Maybe, i should just have a post one day on me, my life and I. Everthing about me since i was young and all the way till now. How i came out and how i realised that i was a gay and until now, being open and out and proud about it.
Time for bed. Goodnight peeps!
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Casting Call
If you think you fit that category, email talents@film5.org.
And i've been fine. Thanks for all the concern still pouring in. We're close friends now - to me. To him, i dunno. At least now i know that i wun be left alone if i ever get drunk. haha..
Will be watching Superman on wednesday. Just how gay is superman huh?
Cheers and God Bless!
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Happy Birthday Alex & Alcohol
Went out to collect my new specs - the one with the white frame. It makes me look different. And now with my high-lighted hair, relly different! Met up with alex in the bus and went to collect his birthday cake at mohd sultan. The cake's really nice, but costly. S$78 for 1kg. Put the cake at Miss Clarity's Cafe and slacked around at bugis - with nothing to do. I had an enjoyable time with him.
Met up with all his other friends and we went to the cafe for dinner. I had an oxtail stew with pasta. It was rather nice. Wasn't as bad as the other dishes i tried the last time.At least, now my perception of the cafe is - average. It used to be poor. haa...
Alex had to leave once he finished his dinner as some matters cropped up. I could tell that he was upset about about it, but nevertheless, he got a cab and departed us while we went over to TCC Beach Center to chill out. I believe that last night was a nite that i prayed the most - other than prayer and fast as well as prayer day/nite. I prayed for him.
We met up again at Maxwell and headed to whyNot for his celebration. I didn't drink much. Only 10mls of alcohol or less. I had oolong tea the rest of the night which i bought from a nearby 7-11 at two 500mls bottles for S$1.90. Cheapskate me. Well, just that i do not like alchohol. He cut the cake and said a silent wish and blew the candle, not before someone else did before him and it had to be lighted up again. I could tell that he was happy and he himslf told me that he was very happy. I was happy myself too for him.
But that didn't last long. He drank a little too much and got himself drunk. Perched on the floor along the roadside, thankfully with his friend to accompany him. How lucky he is to have such caring friends. I wonder if i ever get drunk (which i believe wun ever happen coz i wun want to touch alcohol) who will actually come to my aid. I don't think anyone would ever care - well, maybe i would find myself in the police station or the hosptial when i wake up. haha...
I brought him home in cab. Thanks to technology i could pay the fare via mastercard. haha... I got him to balance himself before "carrying" him up to his flat. And he wasn't even to walk in a straight line, let alone climbing up the stairs. After we got up, which took a while, the gate was locked inside. Poor him, no home to go to, but lukcy for him , there were chairs outside and he sat, or rather lied there. He told me to leave him there at that state and go home. But looking at him at the state, i just could get myself to leave him alone. It's not out of pity or what. Just that i could bear to leave him. There were hazards around. With the state that he was in, he could just swayed to the left, right and hit his head and get himself injured. I left him sleeping and my eyes was glued to him. Making sure that he didn't sway too much and when he swayed a little too much, i would just guide him center again. And yes, he reeked of alcohol. haha... I saw day breaking. His door opened and i asked him to go home, but i guess he wass still too tired and there was still too much alcohol in his blood. I stayed by his side for a little until he regained consciousness. He was feeling much better than i could tell. He went home while left him for home as well. I was dead tired. How i wished i could have slept in church which was just a few streets away.
I dragged myself home and after my bath, i poinked into bed until i woke up at 6pm just now. I was feeling so restless and sianz. My dad on earth bought me dinner and i consumed it. I played the piano and i was so touched by the song which i played over and over again - Lord of the Sunshine. I remember singing that song when i was in sunday school when the church was still in bedok, in BBMH (Bethesda Bedok Mission Home).
Well, i guess everything would be back to normal tomorrow. Life would continue. Back to work. Alex will be designing for me my new coporate logo for Film Five Management Limited. I'm so pround of that - a new logo and i would be able to print new namecards for myself again. I'm in the mood now for starting to venture into events again and this time, into malaysia. I could work with Banda Utama Church there and work out an event for their chrismas concert in 2007 and i could setup my own musical with GRACE talent management, in collaboration with Film Five Management. I miss the feeling of putting up my own christmas musical like what i did last year - a 50 minute musical. I hope i would be able to put up one next year - an in-house production.
Wish me luck.
And btw, thanks all for your kind messages, sms, after reading my last post. It's very much appreciated. Just an update, everything's fine now - Thanks to our Almighty God above! We're friends now and of coz i still like him. As to suggetions for me to date him, well i'll just see how it goes. I dunno how it'll turn out. I do not wish to hurt myself any further. I love it now. Just being able to spend time with him being happy.
With His Blessings.
Friday, July 14, 2006
Heartbroken 'N' c0nFuSeD
By now, you guys should know that i go to blue heaven. And if you read along the lines in my blog, you should know that i have my eyes set on this particular guy and no one else.
I met him yesterday for a movie and today, to go to blue heaven. When we went it all was fine. We went into the jacuzzi and all that. We even went into the steam room and private room together. Nothing happened. No sexual acts between us. Yes, i admit that sometimes i may seem brave, but i'm always timid and i'm one that don't usually take the initiative. One may consider that i'm a little reserved and conservative at times. He set his eyes on this guy in the pool and after leaving the private rooms, he wanted to look for the cute guy. Whatever for, you should know. I was so heart-broken then. Imagine the guy you like, wanting to have "whatever" with someone else.
I waited and waited. I used the computer to distract myself. Nah, not porn but just SGBOY. It had already passed 30 mins (or even more i suppose) and it seemed like an eternity to me. Alas, i saw him. We left blue heaven. I asked him, so how? had fun and he replied that he couldn't find that guy.
Oh well, of course, i felt kinda relieved. But still, i'm feeling hurt. Hurt? Very Hurt? Hurt? Very Hurt? i just dunno. I'm confused. I like him and i really do, but how would i know what his feelings to me are? Are we friends or are we more than that? Have i misinterpreted? Did i take his nice gesture and goodness to me as a wrong signal? Maybe he justs treats all his close friends like that? I'm just confused and it's affecting me. I feel so upset. I just feel like hugging him right now. I feel like crying. Well, yes i am crying, or rather tearing - my eyes are wet.
Why did i have to love him in the first place? Because i'm emotionally weak? Would tonight break our relationship as friends? Would this incident draw us nearer and nearer? I wish it would. But i'm just so afriad of it back-firing. I'm a weakling. I'm just a loser, i guess.
It's his birthday this sunday and i haven't bought him his gift yet. Although i've already thought of what to buy for him. I'm just so so hurt. God, Help me!
This blog is so nice to me. It doesn't bite back. I can just type and type and type and go on... It lets me vent my anger, my hurt, my sorrow and all the shit in me.
Cannot sleep; cry myself to sleep. Just another loser on earth.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Cooked Brains
Took about 1.30mins to get my hair done up. And now i can't wash my hair till tomorrow morning. I'm now lacking my new specs... Not sure if i'll have the time to collect it tomorrow, else i'll have to collect it on saturday.
Most prob i'll post pics of my new look soon.
Cheers and God Bless!
Church & Sleep
After the service, i went over to meet up with my mum at her cellgroup over at pasir ris. Was there until it ended and then fellowship. People was asking where i was and why they haven't been seeing me in church for the past few months. I simply told them that would church visiting and that i would still return. BPMC's still my home church. Thereafter, i went back home. I just felt so sleepy and tired. Didn't stay online for long. I slept, as far much as i could remember, at about 8pm, and didn't wake up till this morning. And i was still feeling sleepy - i didn't even want to get out of bed.
I had to drag myself out of bed, as usual. Went to work and had company breakfast. Toast and Tea. Didn't eat lunch as i was fasting. Day 1 of fasting sucessful.
I went to my hairdresser - the 2 young malay girls, no older than 30 years old, both holing degrees from overseas in hairdressing who runs a shop on their own at bedok central - Vibes Hairdressing, to find out more about highlighting my hair and made an appointment.
I'll be doing up my hair tomorrow evening at 7pm. Hope it's be a success and not a disaster. A new look for me. And i'll most prob. be collecting my new specs, the one with the white frame this weekend. A new me. Dominic was suggesting that i dyed my hair red - coz it's Trevvy's color.. haha...
And I've got an idea on what i can get for Alex for his birthday this coming sunday. I shall not reveal it here in case he reads my blog. I just know that my readership is high but i dun track it. Do a google search for mirantz and my blog pops out in the 1st position. I'm so proud of that.
Okie.. time for me to sleep. Goodnight people and God Bless.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Virtual Church
Tidied up my table, but it's still very messy and untidy - what's the use? back 2 square one...
Saw alex online and chatted with him. Might go watch Ask The Dust movie preview on wednesday, den go to blue heaven on thursday. It's blue heaven's 7th anniversay this year and they're celebrating it on the 13th and 14th. Buffet on the 13th... And we might go watch superman the movie on friday. Dominic asked me to go watch Thank you for not smoking with him. Maybe i should, but not this week. perhaps the next.
Went to church together with alex. not physically but virutally. cyber church service. the 5pm service at city harvest. Rev Dr Robb Thomson was speaking today. And he said about friends. what we should have in friends, or rather, how one can qualify to be my friend, mainly this 6 points:-
1) My friends must be comitted to long lasting relationships.
2) My friends must have empires in their brains.
3) My friends must qualify to receive my seed.
4) My friends must prize intergrity above relationships.
5) My friends must be willing to confront my enemies.
6) My friends must be sowers. - Your life is determined by your seed
And among that, some of the points that we picked up:-
1) Good is a choice. evil is an influence.
2) Concentrate on the thing that you're doing - a vision at a time. 2 visions = diversion
So who says that i dun attend church huh?? And i'll be going to FCC tomorrow with Nick. Am supposed to go since a few months back but kept pushing it back till now. 10.30am service - they only have 1 service. Invited Alex along but he said that he'll only go with me the next time i visit as he haven't been back to his church for the past 2 weeks. Yup, i understand him soi didn't "force" him.. haha...
Ate dinner which my parents ta-baoed for me.. quite ok.. den rotting until now.. oh ya.. i cleared my emails also, as in work emails. who says i dun work at home huh??? i work 7 days a week okie... (yeah right - making myself sound so hardworking...) haha...
Okie.. enough of crapping. It's time for me to sleep soon or something - but i dun feel sleepy... well, i guess i'll just have to force myself to sleep, else i wun have the energy to priase and worship God tomorrow morning.
And i just realised that the 40 days of prayer has started since 1 july. Oh no.. i'm 8 days late and i'm going to start it from tomorrow. Hope that i'll be able to keep it.. ahha... I would be either going for the total fast (24 hour fast - no food, only water) or the 1 meal fast - dun eat 1 meal a day. I am sure i would definately keep up to that.. haha... Okie - set. 1 meal fast. I wun eat luch everyday unless my boss asks me to accompany him den i'll fast for dinner. haha...
Nitez ppl.
God Bless!
Thursday, July 06, 2006
SAFRA Member = Discount Tickets & SGBOY -> Trevvy
SGBOY to be re-branded as Trevvy.
The SGBOY name to be retained as part of its successor Trevvy.com slated for the third-quarter this year.
SGBOY, a household name among gay Singaporeans since 1999, will become a part of its next generation portal, Trevvy.com, as the main highlight of a major re-branding exercise that will see the new portal organizing various events and expanding its contents and user base to other countries in the region.
Trevvy.com is positioned as the successor to SGBOY.COM and will target an older demographic of gay executives aged 25 to 40. This keenly-planned re-branding effort is a response to the changing tastes of existing users as they mature, and to be more inclusive of other segments within the GLBT community. Trevvy.com hopes to capture a larger pool of new users from within the region, as well as infrequent SGBOY users, whose tastes and needs may not be adequately served by the current website.
Plans of a next-generation portal for the 7-year-old SGBOY.COM started almost 2 years ago. During the interim, users have been surveyed and consulted extensively as to the next phase of the website’s development and a possible name change for the reasons mentioned above. While most users polled recognized the need for expansion, many felt nostalgic about the SGBOY name. This feedback accounts for the retention of the SGBOY name as part of Trevvy.com and the assurance of continuity for all long-time SGBOY supporters. Most sections, including SGBOYX and the #sgboy IRC channel, will not see changes to their names. A user survey conducted in May 2006 further revealed that users were primarily concerned about the loading speed and connectivity issues of the website. Such issues will be given top priority with Trevvy.com.
Trevvy.com is a major milestone for SGBOY. The pioneer gay Singapore portal was launched in March 1999 as the Singapore Boy Homepage on GeoCities. It underwent its first makeover in the same year and became SGBOY.COM. Since then, it has been revamped a total of eight times - the latest being SGBOY version 8, also known as ‘SGBOY integr8’ and saw the introduction of the highly popular boyfiles feature.
The slick, cutting-edge visuals of Trevvy.com will be a complete overhaul to the current SGBOY.COM design. Trevvy.com will keep the red-and-white corporate colours of SGBOY, using a darker tone and a hint of minimalism to appeal to users with more refined tastes, while retaining the dynamism and friendliness long associated with SGBOY.
A team of experienced feature writers has been roped in to deliver an informative, trendsetting and fashion-forward editorial direction. Trevvy.com will speak to a new generation of young, intelligent and confident gay executives in the Asia-Pacific region on every aspect of their lives from fashion and current affairs to entertainment, sports, food, technology and relationships.
Web developers of Trevvy.com have been working on the new website for almost eight months. Expect to see all the familiar SGBOY features loaded on steroids and a streamlined user interface, which runs on newer and more powerful servers. An integrated tool would be introduced to improve communication among users. Existing SGBOY members need not re-register to use the new portal and Xcess subscribers will have their subscriptions carried over to the new premium membership known simply as Red.
Trevvy.com will be making its offline presence felt with several events in the pipeline, including a launch party, sports tournament and year-end concert. More details of the new portal and its activities will be announced over the next few weeks.
And i'm unable to connect to mirc from home. stopoid galaxynet....