It's Sunday. Nothing much happened though. Let's start for yesterday.
Was Saturday yesterday. Duh. I slept rather late on Friday night as i was chatting with Kennie on the phone. I was woken by the ringing of my phone at about 6am. It was a work related call and the request was just to ask me to change a picture on the website. Couldn't it be done through sms? I went back to sleep and i woke up again at 10am as i had to go back to office - yes you heard it right. Team Trevvy Standard Chartered Marathon 2006 sponsored by New Balance. Briefing was today so yea. had to go down to open up the office. I feel so much like a office warden - o well, yes i am one. Warden of office and Kennie.. haha... Cleared up some work and rotted in office all the way till about 6 plus. Went to Kennie house thereafter and then went out for dinner at Lot 1. He had beef noodles while i had yong tau foo. It was the prep for my atkins. We went to the playground in CCK. It's nice and a good place for doing photoshoots. I would do photoshoots there in future for Brave. I enjoyed the time spent together with him there. Well, doesn't mean that i don't for the rest, but i enjoyed those moments, having fun playing on the rides (and we're way overaged) and chatting. He left for home and I left for Sweat at Happy. Nothing much and i didn't had the mood. Maybe coz i was tired. Kennie was surfing and didn't was asleep when i reached home so we chatted on the phone before we slept. How sweet it is... I really treasure all these moments we spend together and all that... It makes my heart melt and all the tiredness and sadness just fades away whenever he's around or i hear his voice, well, even if it's just online chatting, i enjoy it.
Slept and woke up only at 4.30pm today. I'm such a pig. I'm not denying it. Looked at my phone and i had 23 missed calls. 18 from the same person. No prize for guessing who it was. It was the same person and same thing again. To change the picture in the website. I had changed it but i changed the wrong one. Well, it's not my fault as he didn't mention it clearly and he sounded like the one one i changed. Well, it's over so yea... double work lorz... Went back to office again for the briefing and came back home.
Had yong tau foo for dinner. It's Day 1 of my diet. My weight is now 56kg and i hope that i can loose some weight ba... I shall try to go on this diet for at least 1 month and if possible, 2 months and i should be happy. And well, i've actually no goal for me weight. so yea... haha... at least i wun be feeling sad if i dun achieve my goal right?? haha...
My very first ex stays in geylang (east). My 2nd ex, which is also my very last one, stays in redhill (central-west). Now, Kennie is staying in the north west. It seems that it's going further and further. people say that distance matters at times. But to me, i do not know why, but i just do not mind traveling all the way to his house just to meet him for dinner, or even to ta bao dinner for him... Why is that so? Perhaps, it's love - that's what they call it ba. It's totally different always. I'm just touched sometimes by the little things he does and says. I simply just love him. I really mean love and not like. The feeling's just different.
Time to sleep and chat with him soon. Signing off!
Monday, October 30, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Went out for almost half a day with Kenneth. He came over to Bedok and we had lunch at the interchange hawker center. Den we proceeded to parkway parade for a walk followed by east coast park and back to marine parade for dinner. Nothing much actually happened. I just enjoyed the time spent with him very much. How i wish i could spend everyday and ever moment with him, just lazing around.
We left each other about 1 hour ago. Now i'm having a sense of loss. I miss him dearly.
Think I should just go to bed now and stop thinking so much.
Goodnight people.
We left each other about 1 hour ago. Now i'm having a sense of loss. I miss him dearly.
Think I should just go to bed now and stop thinking so much.
Goodnight people.
Monday, October 23, 2006
It's a boring sunday...
Didn't even do anything production today. Rotted at home the whole day and spend more than 1/2 the day on bed. Kennie is still better than me as he went out shopping for a pair of trunks at taka with his parents.
My sincere condolences to Terry as he lost his mom to cancer last saturday.
It's monday tomorrow and it's back to work and school. Looking forward to the holiday on tuesday. haha...
Didn't even do anything production today. Rotted at home the whole day and spend more than 1/2 the day on bed. Kennie is still better than me as he went out shopping for a pair of trunks at taka with his parents.
My sincere condolences to Terry as he lost his mom to cancer last saturday.
It's monday tomorrow and it's back to work and school. Looking forward to the holiday on tuesday. haha...
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Happy Deepavali
It's Saturday and it's a public holiday. Such a waste. How i wish that it would fall on a sunday so that the following day (monday) would be a public holiday as well and then tuesday also would be a PH as it's hari raya puasa. That would be so damn shiok la... imagine 4 days of rest.
My designer was stuck in the lift yesterday. The small tiny lift - prob the smallest lift in singapore jammed... Luckily he was the only one inside else i guess those stuck inside would suffocate to death. Haha... After he was rescued, the lift wasn't repaired. Instead, a sign was just pasted at the lift button - Lift Under Mantainence. Oh well, now i can't access to the office as the lift's spoilt and i don't have the keys to the back door of my office. haha... This is real suey and i never ever expected this to happen.
Today, went to SJAB headquarters for the Officers' Seminar. Not really like a seminar though but it was more of a refresher course for all the new officers who had just passed out from the officer conversion course. As for me, i left SJAB wen i was in sec 4 and until now, i think i've forgotten most of the stuffs le.. Lucky for me, i'll be an officer there so i need not make a new set of uniform - just the coat aka jacket will do and i can wear any tee underneath and black pants and shoes. So that means that low cost for me. haha...
I was immediately arrowed to be the safety officer for the NCO course in dec and i was like, "o.k...". And thereafter, called upon to be in charge of the basic home nursing course which will start in Feb 2007. I was like, "Whoa! Straight away got responsibilities le..." Well, i don't mind it actually. In fact, it's something which i like - passing all the knowledge which i know to others. I have had the passion for nursing and teaching since i was young and i think this is really a good chance for me to pass everything to people whom are really interested to learn. It was supposed to end at about noon - but in the end, it ended at 4pm.
Left HQ and went over to office to deposit the home nursing booklet into my office's letterbox as i didn't want to carry it all around singapore whereever i go.. hahah... Thereafter, took a bus ride to Bukit Panjang to meet up with kennie. We went to Holland Village as he hasn't been there before and then brought him to eat the sam lau (or isit lo) hor fun. He said that it's nice - i agreed (else why would i even want to bring him there to eat???) haha... Then we went back to BP and we walked around in BPP... Den i left for home as it was already close to 11pm.
I really enjoyed the time that i spent with him. I simply love it and i just get this special feeling when i'm with him... Its something which i've not got for a long time.
And please people, kenneth didn't hurt me at all. Let alone hurting me badly. Please do not think that he did and start calling him up to question him or anything. Please. He's so good to me just as i am to him. (oops... am i self praising?? hehe...) If you would like to help me or anything, please come to me directly instead of thinking that he did and you know, in turn get back at him or something.. i would be very hertbroken if you did that as he'll be hurt and i wouldn't want that. So please - don't interogate him horz....
And in the sentence, "i was kinda comforted by his actions and what he said", he didn't apologise to me or anything. It's just something that we discussed - i regret to inform you that it's private and i wouldn't want to share it - which i felt comforted, that's all...
That's all for now. Enjoy your sunday and then it's back to work and/or school on monday people. Dun fret as it's a public holiday again on tuesday, hari raya puasa. That's when the muslims break fast and enjoy eating~~ I myself am looking forward to that day... not coz i'm breaking fast but coz it's a holiday = no work.. yeah!
Nitez ppl... Take care and enjoy.
My designer was stuck in the lift yesterday. The small tiny lift - prob the smallest lift in singapore jammed... Luckily he was the only one inside else i guess those stuck inside would suffocate to death. Haha... After he was rescued, the lift wasn't repaired. Instead, a sign was just pasted at the lift button - Lift Under Mantainence. Oh well, now i can't access to the office as the lift's spoilt and i don't have the keys to the back door of my office. haha... This is real suey and i never ever expected this to happen.
Today, went to SJAB headquarters for the Officers' Seminar. Not really like a seminar though but it was more of a refresher course for all the new officers who had just passed out from the officer conversion course. As for me, i left SJAB wen i was in sec 4 and until now, i think i've forgotten most of the stuffs le.. Lucky for me, i'll be an officer there so i need not make a new set of uniform - just the coat aka jacket will do and i can wear any tee underneath and black pants and shoes. So that means that low cost for me. haha...
I was immediately arrowed to be the safety officer for the NCO course in dec and i was like, "o.k...". And thereafter, called upon to be in charge of the basic home nursing course which will start in Feb 2007. I was like, "Whoa! Straight away got responsibilities le..." Well, i don't mind it actually. In fact, it's something which i like - passing all the knowledge which i know to others. I have had the passion for nursing and teaching since i was young and i think this is really a good chance for me to pass everything to people whom are really interested to learn. It was supposed to end at about noon - but in the end, it ended at 4pm.
Left HQ and went over to office to deposit the home nursing booklet into my office's letterbox as i didn't want to carry it all around singapore whereever i go.. hahah... Thereafter, took a bus ride to Bukit Panjang to meet up with kennie. We went to Holland Village as he hasn't been there before and then brought him to eat the sam lau (or isit lo) hor fun. He said that it's nice - i agreed (else why would i even want to bring him there to eat???) haha... Then we went back to BP and we walked around in BPP... Den i left for home as it was already close to 11pm.
I really enjoyed the time that i spent with him. I simply love it and i just get this special feeling when i'm with him... Its something which i've not got for a long time.
And please people, kenneth didn't hurt me at all. Let alone hurting me badly. Please do not think that he did and start calling him up to question him or anything. Please. He's so good to me just as i am to him. (oops... am i self praising?? hehe...) If you would like to help me or anything, please come to me directly instead of thinking that he did and you know, in turn get back at him or something.. i would be very hertbroken if you did that as he'll be hurt and i wouldn't want that. So please - don't interogate him horz....
And in the sentence, "i was kinda comforted by his actions and what he said", he didn't apologise to me or anything. It's just something that we discussed - i regret to inform you that it's private and i wouldn't want to share it - which i felt comforted, that's all...
That's all for now. Enjoy your sunday and then it's back to work and/or school on monday people. Dun fret as it's a public holiday again on tuesday, hari raya puasa. That's when the muslims break fast and enjoy eating~~ I myself am looking forward to that day... not coz i'm breaking fast but coz it's a holiday = no work.. yeah!
Nitez ppl... Take care and enjoy.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Thanks people
Thanks guys for all the concern that has poured in. I'm fine now, i guess.
Went out with kennie just now and i was kinda comforted by his actions and what he said... He waited for me to finish work and i met him at the library and we read books.. he read on trains and me on trains and buses. Went to purvis street for chicken rice thereafter and walked around in raffles city shopping center...
Went to suntec to walk around also. His legs were suan so we sat at the sky garden for a while to rest and chat. Thereafter, we walked to esplanade's bus stop and i waited with him for his bus and sent him off.
Even though we're close friends, he's such a part of my life, and i treat him as though as he's my partner - too attached? maybe. I can't image what will happen if he leaves me.
Not having our nightly phone chat for tonight as he's tired. I can tell that. Poor him... but at least he has the whole of tomorrow to sleep. ANd as for me, i've a meeting to attend in the morning at 9.30 at St John's Headquarters at Beach Road. Thereafter, i've no plans all the way. Am supposed to meet this friend of mine who stays in cck, but he's unable to confirm with me as he has his homework to complete. Therefore, if he doesn't get back to me, i'll be left planless. And not sure if i'll be meeting kennie at night for dinner. I hope we will ba... Again - tentative again..
Time to sleep. Goodnight peeps!
Went out with kennie just now and i was kinda comforted by his actions and what he said... He waited for me to finish work and i met him at the library and we read books.. he read on trains and me on trains and buses. Went to purvis street for chicken rice thereafter and walked around in raffles city shopping center...
Went to suntec to walk around also. His legs were suan so we sat at the sky garden for a while to rest and chat. Thereafter, we walked to esplanade's bus stop and i waited with him for his bus and sent him off.
Even though we're close friends, he's such a part of my life, and i treat him as though as he's my partner - too attached? maybe. I can't image what will happen if he leaves me.
Not having our nightly phone chat for tonight as he's tired. I can tell that. Poor him... but at least he has the whole of tomorrow to sleep. ANd as for me, i've a meeting to attend in the morning at 9.30 at St John's Headquarters at Beach Road. Thereafter, i've no plans all the way. Am supposed to meet this friend of mine who stays in cck, but he's unable to confirm with me as he has his homework to complete. Therefore, if he doesn't get back to me, i'll be left planless. And not sure if i'll be meeting kennie at night for dinner. I hope we will ba... Again - tentative again..
Time to sleep. Goodnight peeps!
Friday, October 20, 2006
Heart B.r.e.a.k
I'm heart broken...
chatted with someone online.. and it seems that the person i chatting with also likes kenneth...
Am i destined to be single and unwanted for my life?
*me wails*
chatted with someone online.. and it seems that the person i chatting with also likes kenneth...
Am i destined to be single and unwanted for my life?
*me wails*
Thursday, October 19, 2006
I have the picture of us taken together in chinese garden as my handphone display pic and screensaver.
My MSN display pic is the same pic. Whenever i feel sad, i look at it - just him alone - will cheer me up. I'm getting so crazy about him and i'm getting head over heels with him. I can't imagine what will happen to me if he leaves...
This post is just a lame and useless post. Just posting it while waiting for him to get ready for our nightly chats.. you know.. he has to eat a lil' and brush his teeth... o wells...
everyday and night, i think about P..Q..R..S..T..U......
My MSN display pic is the same pic. Whenever i feel sad, i look at it - just him alone - will cheer me up. I'm getting so crazy about him and i'm getting head over heels with him. I can't imagine what will happen to me if he leaves...
This post is just a lame and useless post. Just posting it while waiting for him to get ready for our nightly chats.. you know.. he has to eat a lil' and brush his teeth... o wells...
everyday and night, i think about P..Q..R..S..T..U......
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
My Dreamboy
I got to know him through the forums in Trevvy (SGBOYX), from the thread School boys of 1988 - NO, i wasn't looking for kids. I was just doing my job of checking, reading and moderating the forums. He's a train enthusiast. It's a rare hobby in Singapore. We exchanged contacts and started chatting online over MSN. We met up for the first time and he was rather quiet. I had to do the talking mostly.
It's only after the first time meeting that I began to notice something unique and special about him. We chatted more and more online and began meeting up more frequently. I would go all the way after work to his area just to have dinner with him. He was still having his school holidays and didn't have anything to do. Having broke up from a 2.5 years of a bad relationship whereby his partner cheated on him and possessed him like a kept boy, he's now enjoying his freedom.
He's only 18. But he knows a lot. He's cute, adorable and charming. I can't get my eyes off him. I've been bringing him to whatever movie that i'm watching. He even went into a movie just meant for those aged 21 years and above only. He was even so proud of it - saying that it was his first R21 movie and kept the ticket stub.
We've been chatting for more than a week everynight on the phone. Sometimes, i'm just so touched by his actions. I feel so attached to him and he would just ask me to make decisions for him. We're now more than normal friends. We're special friends and i'm happy with it. I'm just hoping that he'll get over his past relationship soon and pick himself up.
Holding hands and walking down the red carpet down the aisle in church with wedding bells ringing. Everyone hopes and wishes for this. My cousin will be doing so next month. But will it happen for people like us? Well, sadly at this point in time, it will never happen in Singaypore. Perhaps, in a few years time, maybe 10 or so, we'll all be able to walk down the pink carpet instead.
You are my dreamboy. You should know who you are, if you're reading this. Take care.
It's only after the first time meeting that I began to notice something unique and special about him. We chatted more and more online and began meeting up more frequently. I would go all the way after work to his area just to have dinner with him. He was still having his school holidays and didn't have anything to do. Having broke up from a 2.5 years of a bad relationship whereby his partner cheated on him and possessed him like a kept boy, he's now enjoying his freedom.
He's only 18. But he knows a lot. He's cute, adorable and charming. I can't get my eyes off him. I've been bringing him to whatever movie that i'm watching. He even went into a movie just meant for those aged 21 years and above only. He was even so proud of it - saying that it was his first R21 movie and kept the ticket stub.
We've been chatting for more than a week everynight on the phone. Sometimes, i'm just so touched by his actions. I feel so attached to him and he would just ask me to make decisions for him. We're now more than normal friends. We're special friends and i'm happy with it. I'm just hoping that he'll get over his past relationship soon and pick himself up.
Holding hands and walking down the red carpet down the aisle in church with wedding bells ringing. Everyone hopes and wishes for this. My cousin will be doing so next month. But will it happen for people like us? Well, sadly at this point in time, it will never happen in Singaypore. Perhaps, in a few years time, maybe 10 or so, we'll all be able to walk down the pink carpet instead.
You are my dreamboy. You should know who you are, if you're reading this. Take care.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Innovationation - Play, touch and learn
The tagboard's server's down. I've since removed it temporarily.
Woke up at 9am to wake kennie up. went back to sleep all the way till 11am, bathed and went to meet kennie in the train. Went to singapore expo hall 3 to see the innovationation. Was quite big and interesting. Went to changi airport thereatfter and had lunch there. The skytrain changed. It's nicer but i dun kinda like it. Went to teh budget terminal. it's rather small and nothing much at all. only 1 hans. Brought him to bedok and had a tour of my estate and then we had dinner at the hawker center in bedok south. We had hokkien mee and he said that it was nice. Went to bedok central to eat chendol over at the hollywood stall. The standard had dropped.
Walked around for a while more and i sent him off to the bus stop. After he left, i kinda felt alone all over again. How i wish i could have him with me always. I think i'm getting addicted to him...
Can he be the one that i want? Can he be my significant other half? Can he be the person that i can love and cherish? It's opened ended. It's a BIG question mark.
It hurts.
Woke up at 9am to wake kennie up. went back to sleep all the way till 11am, bathed and went to meet kennie in the train. Went to singapore expo hall 3 to see the innovationation. Was quite big and interesting. Went to changi airport thereatfter and had lunch there. The skytrain changed. It's nicer but i dun kinda like it. Went to teh budget terminal. it's rather small and nothing much at all. only 1 hans. Brought him to bedok and had a tour of my estate and then we had dinner at the hawker center in bedok south. We had hokkien mee and he said that it was nice. Went to bedok central to eat chendol over at the hollywood stall. The standard had dropped.
Walked around for a while more and i sent him off to the bus stop. After he left, i kinda felt alone all over again. How i wish i could have him with me always. I think i'm getting addicted to him...
Can he be the one that i want? Can he be my significant other half? Can he be the person that i can love and cherish? It's opened ended. It's a BIG question mark.
It hurts.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Nothing much happened this week. Took care of my patient on monday night and wednesday night. It's friday. Went out with kenneth to IMM and walked around. Took 67 back home and slept in the bus. Will be going with him to Innovation Nation tomororw at singapore expo, den to changi airport, den to bedok and after that, dinner in the west.
Sigh... I'm begining to draw closer and closer to him, but alas, he's not even ready for anything yet. He's still afraid i guess. I'm just waiting for the time and day.... It's not a nice feeling... longing for something and not being able to get it. It takes 2 hands to clap. I've never felt anything like this for such a long long time, more than 2 years to be exact...
I'm waiting and hoping for the best...
Sigh... I'm begining to draw closer and closer to him, but alas, he's not even ready for anything yet. He's still afraid i guess. I'm just waiting for the time and day.... It's not a nice feeling... longing for something and not being able to get it. It takes 2 hands to clap. I've never felt anything like this for such a long long time, more than 2 years to be exact...
I'm waiting and hoping for the best...
Monday, October 09, 2006
SUNday - What's with the Haze and PSI readings?
It's SUNday! The last day of the weekend and the first day of the week (you can tell that i'm not very optismistic here). Slept only for about 6 or so hours after chatting with kennie on the phone and being forced to put down by my mum. She was like screaming her lungs out and i think tat frightened off kennie as well - he described her as fierce. Poor him.
Woke up at 10.15am. Didn't want to wake up initially and felt like just being uncontactable except to the ones close to my heart and *selected* friends of mine so that i could just skip working. I'm like so bad horz.. haha... Of course i didn't and forced myself out of the bed.
My patient wasn't very cooperative today. Slept the whole time. Slept when bathing, slept when eating, didn't want to open his mouth when i fed him and slept when watching tv. Oh wait! How can you sleep when you watch tv - so that goes to say tat he didn't watch at all - i was instead. haha....

Went home and slept all the way from 4.30 to 8pm. Woke up and realised that the haze today wasn't that bad. Went to NEA's website to check the psi readings. I'm a little confused. The readings are different. Oh well, i don't care much as long as i've clean air. How i wished that it was like that on friday and yesterday - not becuase i was out with kennie but coz friday was lantern festival and i went with kennie to chinese garden to see lanterns. Couldn't even see the moon lorz.. such a waste. How 2 shang ye like tat??? Den yesterday movie Xmen2 and Xmen3 at the padang. Well, but even with the haze, i enjoyed my time wif kennie... :)
Okie.. time 2 sleep. It's monday tomorrow and it's back to work all over again.
Woke up at 10.15am. Didn't want to wake up initially and felt like just being uncontactable except to the ones close to my heart and *selected* friends of mine so that i could just skip working. I'm like so bad horz.. haha... Of course i didn't and forced myself out of the bed.
My patient wasn't very cooperative today. Slept the whole time. Slept when bathing, slept when eating, didn't want to open his mouth when i fed him and slept when watching tv. Oh wait! How can you sleep when you watch tv - so that goes to say tat he didn't watch at all - i was instead. haha....

Went home and slept all the way from 4.30 to 8pm. Woke up and realised that the haze today wasn't that bad. Went to NEA's website to check the psi readings. I'm a little confused. The readings are different. Oh well, i don't care much as long as i've clean air. How i wished that it was like that on friday and yesterday - not becuase i was out with kennie but coz friday was lantern festival and i went with kennie to chinese garden to see lanterns. Couldn't even see the moon lorz.. such a waste. How 2 shang ye like tat??? Den yesterday movie Xmen2 and Xmen3 at the padang. Well, but even with the haze, i enjoyed my time wif kennie... :)
Okie.. time 2 sleep. It's monday tomorrow and it's back to work all over again.
Saturday, October 07, 2006

And if it's not cancelled, i would have to sit near to the screen, else i'll be watching a blur movie.. hahaha....

Happy belated lantern festival. Isit lantern festival or mooncake festival? haha... Went to chinese gardens to celebrate - just by walking around admiring all the different types of lanterns. Went with kenneth. Enjoyed the time with him... And i took photos.. hehe... All thanks to him that i took it, else do you think that i would take it? haha... Well, i guess he has an edge over me ba...
Okie.. time to change soon. Going to vivocity to catch the official opening of golden village vivocity. Hopefully i can get the free movie tix being given to the 1st 200 ppl... hahaha...

Sunday, October 01, 2006
512k sux
The internet is not meant for users with connection speeds of 1Mbps and below. That includes me - a 512kpbs user.
It's been a tiring weekend. I received an sms on friday evening from my friend asking me if i could take care of an individual patient during the weekend. I agreed as i had no plans and besides, it's not a full day affair - only 6 hours per day.
Woke up at 10am on saturday. Surfed the net and cleared up some work. Left my house at about 11.05 and realised that i'll be late if i took a bus. Took a cab to the venue instead. Kensinton Park Condo. A car was in front of the cab when i alighted and my friend waved me over. Went over to the five star chinese rice place at serangoon gardens for lunch, i didn't eat as i had cereals in the morning. Thereafter, went to toa payoh to collect something and then to balestier plaza for shopping at ntuc. By the time we arrived back home, it was already close to 4. And then my patient slept all the way till 5.50pm. Den i changed his diapers for him and went off. That's easy and he's a very very simple guy. I charged them my standard rate and they seemed quite happy and satisfied with it.
Went to meet Lennel at city hall and we ended up in Hans national library for dinner. Thereafter, to blue heaven to do my audit and also at the same time, to collect the leftovers from the RED subscription promo. After blue heaven, went back to office to put down the stuffs as well as to deposit the cash into the bank - i didn't want to get robbed and risk losing my life. Money's not of a problem to me. Oh heck with it - i shall not go on with this. Went to Happy for sweat after that. I paid $40 for the cK Love t shirts when i could get it for free - i didn't know that we would be giving out instead of Happy's staffs. So in the end, i paid for nothing. Well, at least i got my share worth. *grinz* Well, you know who that tee will go to la... That special someone of mine. Hopefully he'll appreciate it and not be a letdown to me. But o well(s), i've been used to these letdowns and dissapointments. I'm already immune to it but i just hope that this time round, it would work out. I've never had this type of feeling for someone since i left my ex more than 2 years back. Reached home close to 5 and slept only at 6am.
Woke up at 10am and did my usual routine work online and ate cereals. Took a cab to my patient's home again. Nothing eventful. Left at 6.30pm - no, i didn't chare for an additional hour as i willingly stayed behind when i could have left. Well, but all these is no big deal so yup yup... Supposed to go to airport to send boss away, but he didn't want me to go as was afriad that he would cry and he doesn't want to see him cry.. haha...
So now i'm back. Very tired and i'm going to sleep now.
It's been a tiring weekend. I received an sms on friday evening from my friend asking me if i could take care of an individual patient during the weekend. I agreed as i had no plans and besides, it's not a full day affair - only 6 hours per day.
Woke up at 10am on saturday. Surfed the net and cleared up some work. Left my house at about 11.05 and realised that i'll be late if i took a bus. Took a cab to the venue instead. Kensinton Park Condo. A car was in front of the cab when i alighted and my friend waved me over. Went over to the five star chinese rice place at serangoon gardens for lunch, i didn't eat as i had cereals in the morning. Thereafter, went to toa payoh to collect something and then to balestier plaza for shopping at ntuc. By the time we arrived back home, it was already close to 4. And then my patient slept all the way till 5.50pm. Den i changed his diapers for him and went off. That's easy and he's a very very simple guy. I charged them my standard rate and they seemed quite happy and satisfied with it.
Went to meet Lennel at city hall and we ended up in Hans national library for dinner. Thereafter, to blue heaven to do my audit and also at the same time, to collect the leftovers from the RED subscription promo. After blue heaven, went back to office to put down the stuffs as well as to deposit the cash into the bank - i didn't want to get robbed and risk losing my life. Money's not of a problem to me. Oh heck with it - i shall not go on with this. Went to Happy for sweat after that. I paid $40 for the cK Love t shirts when i could get it for free - i didn't know that we would be giving out instead of Happy's staffs. So in the end, i paid for nothing. Well, at least i got my share worth. *grinz* Well, you know who that tee will go to la... That special someone of mine. Hopefully he'll appreciate it and not be a letdown to me. But o well(s), i've been used to these letdowns and dissapointments. I'm already immune to it but i just hope that this time round, it would work out. I've never had this type of feeling for someone since i left my ex more than 2 years back. Reached home close to 5 and slept only at 6am.
Woke up at 10am and did my usual routine work online and ate cereals. Took a cab to my patient's home again. Nothing eventful. Left at 6.30pm - no, i didn't chare for an additional hour as i willingly stayed behind when i could have left. Well, but all these is no big deal so yup yup... Supposed to go to airport to send boss away, but he didn't want me to go as was afriad that he would cry and he doesn't want to see him cry.. haha...
So now i'm back. Very tired and i'm going to sleep now.
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