I'm @ home, with nothing to do. Ended work at 3.30pm but accompanied Willy. Reached home close to 5pm and ate my dinner. I've wasted my time all the way till now and there's nothing much which i can do.
Met my "di" this morning when i left for work under his block. He was on his way to camp. While at work today, my sister aka manager called me to her office, after a chat of about 30 mins, i was told that i'm now confirmed. Yay! That means that I can now take MC and that i can seek treatment from Parkway Shenton without paying as well as getting free accommodation should i need to stay in any of the Parkway hospitals. But touch wood, i hope that will never happen.

I realised that I've not told much people about my departure date. It's confirmed on the 9th of February 2008 from Changi International Airport Terminal 3 (if i'm not wrong) at 11.15pm by SQ237 and I'll arrive in Melbourne @ 9.40am (7.40am Singapore time). Traveling time of 7 hours and 25 minutes non stop. It's the first time i'll be travelling on SQ, so yea... I've requested for the first 2-seater window seat. hehe...
Anyway, I might go sleep early. I'm on half day tomorrow, from 8am to 12.30pm and it'll be weekend for me thereafter as I'm on leave from Thursday till Saturday. Will be in chalet then...
Finally, a time for me to rest!
Oh, by the way, I managed to get a pair of tickets to V Conference. It's a stand-up comedy by Irene Ang on the 30th of September. Anyone wanna come with me???
Added on @ 2030hrs: I just realised that it's Sepetmber 11th today. It's been 6 years since the 911 incident happened. I remembered that I was still in choir (we were preparing for the christmas musical, if i'm not wrong) when it happened and when i got home, my friend/choirmate asked me to look at the TV and there it was - pictures of the planes crashing into the twin towers. 6 years ago, i was still in Secondary school and very actively involved in Church. And what happened now? My friend, Lennel's getting baptised end of this month and I am not surprised that he's closer to God and knows more than me now. Bed time soon!