Friday, November 30, 2007

World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day is just round the corner - 1st December 2007.

This year, there are quite a few events lined up WAD, in fact not only for 1 day but 2 days this year.

On Saturday, 1st December 2007, there'll be the AfA Charity Line Dance in the evening and various events in the clubs at night.

On Sunday, 2nd December 2007, there's the AIDS Walk from Skate Park to Tangs in the evening and the Fabulous Flirt party at night.

Do take part in them to show your support for HIV/AIDS. I'll be there so see you there!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

No updates

It's been a long time since I last updated the blog. No, I've still been blogging, but in another blog - More Than Just A Story.

Something eventful happened on Wednesday, 21st of November. My patient, a foreigner, collapsed on the table in the midst of the operation. We started performing chest compressions from about 4.15pm all the way to about 7.20pm. We didn't have to give ventilations as he was already intubated and with the ETT tube connected to the anaesthesia machine. He didn't make it though. I was rather affected by it initially as I couldn't really sleep that night and went over to my parents' room to sleep with them but the following day, it's back to normal. The following day, the surgeon treated us to lunch.

Nothing much exciting has been happening in my life. Me0w's having his exams starting tomorrow and he has 2 papers right on the first day. I really hopes he does well. Thinking of me going to university's just scary. I wonder if they are being spoon fed in Singapore. I know that in Australia, you've to do lotsa research and studying on your own.

Anyway, hope that things get much better day by day. I'm also hoping that life for BT will be very much better and not so complicated.

Oh well, life's just like that. Ciao!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

More Than Just A Story

I've been rather busy these few weeks. Preparing for the Christmas musical, hypnosis and JCI.

JCI's next Monday till Wednesday and the stress's building up. I spent most of my time at work today cleaning the theatre. I've to go back to work this Sunday morning as well as we've to continue cleaning and such.

Just back from the briefing for tomorrow's event by AfA. They're having a getai at Chinatown to create the awareness of HIV/AIDS. Was asked to take photos, but I couldn't as I no longer have a digital camera. Learnt from Singapore Expo's website 2 days back that SITEX 2007 would be held from 29th November to 2nd December in Halls 5 & 6. It's time for me to get my laptop and my digital camera! Have decided to go on 2 days, one to get the pricelists and such and on the last day to purchase the items (and to get more freebies).

I'm cracking my head on creating a new blogskin by my own, without copying from others and it's not as simple as html. There's more to it and an IT idiot like me wouldn't know much. It's back to reading and more reading (which puts me to sleep, of course). Do check out the blog for more details of the event.

Meow's having exams in less than 2 weeks time. I'm hoping that meow would do well. I'm planning to spend more time with meow thereafter and treasuring every moment of it before I leave.

Am tired. Going to sleep le. Goodnight and God Bless!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

93 Days more to Down Under

It's 93 days more to go before I get to get the SQ Experience. I hope I won't be disappointed by it though. I'm so looking forward to Australia. The international office will be closed on Sunday when I arrive, so I'll have to report there on Monday. However, Monday's already the start of the Welcome festival. I have a feeling that everything would be very rushed.

Changi Airport Terminal 3 will be open to the public for their open house from Monday. I shall be going to see how nice it is next Sunday, as it seems from the website that it's a very big thing. My flight on the 9th of February (Saturday, the 3rd day of Chinese New Year) will be departing from T3 as well.

Depending on the number of cases tomorrow morning, I may go over to police station tomorrow to apply for my Certificate of No Criminal Record which I'll need for my studies.

I still do not know what I should pack for my trip. I only have a rough idea. Well, I hope that as time draws nearer, I can complete my shopping and packing list. I'm in need of a school bag (it's back to school) and I do not know if I should get a sling bag or a backpack. I need a pencil box. What's nice and class (read "atas") and not too expensive? What else? Winter clothing? Laptop, External HDD? Pencils and Pens?

Time to meet my friend for dinner. He wanna bring me to the coffeeshop opp PLAY as he says there are nice butter prawns there... Yum yum...

Goodbye peeps!

Monday, November 05, 2007

MiRaNtZ - Attached!

In a surprising twist of fate, MiRaNtZ is now happily attached, not to kenneth though.

But Kenneth's still close in his heart.