MiRaNtZ's Farewell Chalet cum BBQ/Potluck Dinner
Date: 31st January to 2nd February 2008, Dinner on 1st February 2008 (Friday)
Dinner Time: 1900 hrs onwards
Venue: Aloha Changi, Biggin Hill Bunglow A
Diners are welcomed to contribute any food of any amount. 30+ diners would be expected. Contributions in cash are also welcomed.
No pork/lard would be served for the BBQ as we would be having muslim friends. For potluck items, please label the dishes if it contains pork or lard.
If you wish to contribute any dishes, do inform us in advance so we would be able to avoid any repeatition of food items.
Please RSVP your attendance; stayover, dinner, or both by 27th January 2008.
About Edgar Mirantz Tan
Mr. Edgar Mirantz Tan is a Nurse registered with the Singapore Nursing Board, Certified Hypnotherapist with the National Guild of Hypnotists (USA) and a Gospel Magician being a member of the Fellowship of Christian Magicians. He owns the companies Film Five Management (based in Singapore and UK) and E.M.TAN HYPNOTHERAPY. He has also partnered and worked with Changi General Hospital, Ann Siang Media, BRAVE, Trevvy.com, JM2u, Inkque and East Shore - A ParkwayHealth Hospital.
He holds a NITEC in Nursing from the Institute of Technical Education, a Diploma in Mass Communications from Oklahoma City University (USA) and will be pursuing his Bachelor of Nursing from La Trobe University (Australia) in February 2008.
He holds a NITEC in Nursing from the Institute of Technical Education, a Diploma in Mass Communications from Oklahoma City University (USA) and will be pursuing his Bachelor of Nursing from La Trobe University (Australia) in February 2008.
Contact Information
Email: mirantz(at)film5.org
Phone/Text: 9MiRaNtZ (96472689)
From 27th to 29th January, please contact the under-mentioned:-
Email: undisclosed(at)film5.org
Text: 94375130