Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

2008 is coming to an end.

Merry Christmas everyone.


Hello 2009 soon.

Facebook me to know more and see pictures.

I'm seeing clients again for Hypnotherapy sessions in Singapore.


Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Back from Great Ocean Road

Went to Great Ocean Road (GOR) today. Didn't take lotsa photos due to the lack of time. We left Bundoora at 9am and had to leave GOR by 3pm or so as we had to get to box hill to meet the rest of the FOCUS people for dinner. The trip went well and I loved it.

Dinner was fine too and we went to a nearby park thereafter. I watched as the rest played games. And i became a little adventureous by attempting to climb up a lamp-post which i failed badly. I managed to get everyone to play a team-building game of forming a circle to sit on each other's laps and it went great, with everyone sitting for 21 seconds.

Have you ever felt like an outcast? I have. And that feeling's getting into me again. Sometimes, sacrifices are necessary for things to work out. But then again, you can only choose 1 or the other. One can't have both. But I'm fearful. If I choose that one and it backfires, I'll lose that one and the other as well. And if I choose the latter, I'll lose the former, in which, I can't bear to loose at this point in time.

1 more week and this shall end, hopefully. Then, I'll crumble as everything comes to an end for 2.5 months. Or it might just continue - for the better or for the worse.

I pray to God. It's been years now that I've been praying for this. But then, I'm not sure when He'll grant this to me. I'm still waiting and putting my trust in Him. That's because I know that he is :-

My Saviour, He can move the mountains, My God is Mighty to save, He is Mighty to save.
Forever, Author of salvation, He rose and conquered the grave, Jesus conquered the grave.

I pray for God to give me the patience and the strength to pull through this time of waiting and have faith in Him.

Goodnight peeps!

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Back from Canberra

I'm back from Canberra. Really enjoyed myself there. I came back from SPRTE feeling really enriched and refreshed. And I've also made a new friend. =)

Took lots of photos. Will upload them slowly to facebook.

Time for bed. Will blog again soon.

Heading to Great Ocean Road with my new found friend, Joel, and ZY on Monday. Joel's driving.