Thursday, October 13, 2005

Tired me

Left camp only at 10pm.

OC was supposed to check my store at 6.30pm but due to the ranking exercise ending only at 5, i wasn't able to get my store ready by that time as there's lots of washing to do.... blame it on those who drinks coffee or tea... After washing everything and so forth, it was time for oc to check, but he was no-where to be found... nah.. he didn't go anywhere... he went to check another store first...

By the time he came to check my store, he just walked in, sat down on the chair, asked me to take out the room inventory which i did, and he looked through and just said, "there's nothing for me to check in your store" and left. Phew! what a relief. I was left dumbfolded. And i didn't even pray... well, bad bad me, but i just left out God in moments like these...

I really want to thank God for all that He's done for me. His Grace... no words can describe it... how deep or how far or long....

it's just checking of emails and to blog, to read some other's blog and time for sleep. I shall sleep at 11.30pm latest. lucky pL. having off tomorrow....

Praise God. and now, it's time for bed.

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