Thursday, June 22, 2006

My Prayer

Nothing much happened today.

I keep forgetting that it's the 21st today - so much so that i missed an appointment with MCYS and i had to email them to reschedule the interview for me. i'm feeling so bad about it.

I'm feeling lonely - again. Well, i dunno why. maybe it's just that i'm single and have nothing to occupy me. Maybe i should just stay in office and work work work and work so that i wun feel so lonely and at least i can get things done - not that i can't get things done at home, but at least, i can do more work and get myself busy. but wait. i'll get scolded for making the electricty bills go sky high. haha... What should i do??? find myself a partner? but how when no one wants me...

I've found a new target, or rather, someone whom i kinda like. I've known him for a couple of years now but we didn't keep in touch till last year during his birthday party when i went over to his house. And we didn't contact each other or meet up until yesterday during the seminar again. It had been 11 months since we last met. Suppose to meet him tomorrow but he's now in muar and going to hong kong for a short trip. And for now, he's older than me. It seems that i'm always falling for someone younger than me, but now it's older. Will it work or will he just be another passer by?

It's entirely up to God to decide. One good thing - He's a christian too, a young one i must say...

"Dear God, I pray that You will grant him journey mercy and that he will walk the way You want him to, do the things You want him to as You have planned in Your will. For You Lord the Almighty God will protect and provide for him. Lord I know that You love him always. Bless him always and keep him safe in your arms. Amen."

Goodnight people.

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