Monday, June 16, 2008

Auzzie Airwaves

Didn't do anything much today. Woke up late and missed the sweet brunch that was in my college mate's unit. Another unproductive day. Studied for a little bit though.

I had an exciting night. As my Joy membership was expiring on the 20th of June, I decided to renew it so I called Joy's office to renew it. After about 10 minutes or so, they called back. I thought my credit card was declined. However, that was not the case. What they did instead was to invite me for an interview on-air on Joy 94.9FM, which I gladly agreed. This is my second time on Australia airwaves and it started at about 2.11am. However, this time round was only for a little less than 10 minutes.

I recorded the radio broadcast onto my mobile phone. The quality isn't that good though and I could be heard talking in the background before being heard clearly on radio as I was inside my room while being interviewed over the phone and my radio's in the room as well.

To listen to the audio recording of the broadcast, click here to download and to save. It's in AMR format therefore it would require Apple QuickTime player or RealNetworks RealPlayer to open it (for both Windows and Mac OS).

This post officially makes this year's post more that last year's post. I made a total of 52 posts last year and this is the 53rd post for this year. I think it's due to the fact that I'm here in Auzzie as well as someone that I've been blogging faithfully almost daily before I go to bed.

Time to sleep. Goodnight!

1 comment:

chris said...

congratulations!! =]